
Friday, February 15, 2013

Green Friday - At The Bird Feeders

My new set up is finally working - we cut some evergreen branches and stuck them in the deck railing by the bird feeders - we had moved the feeders so I could see them from my new location while I heal from surgery - and it was too far from cover for the birds to feel comfortable at the feeders - even though they were only 20 feet away from the old feeder location.

I set up my camera and tripod looking out the window, aimed at the feeders.  When I see bird activity all I have to do is step up to the camera, turn it on and zoom in on the feeders - and click pictures whenever the birds appear.

You can see a little bit of the evergreen in this shot of a Junco.  They are not generally feeder birds, but rather ground feeders, but since the feeders are sitting on the deck railing they hop right up there - and they do keep the deck cleaned up of spilled seeds.

Step right up - the feeders are loaded.

I like the little seed in his beak.  .  .

Right into the squirrel and deer proof feeder.  I got these feeders from Amazon for about 15.00 each and they truly are squirrel and deer proof - better than some of the ones that sell for 50.00 and 60.00 - the squirrels don't even bother trying anymore.

The chickadees are so fast that I barely have time to get my hand up to the camera.  They flit in, land, pick a seed and off they go - that fast.

And they don't pose as nicely as the Juncos - they are intent on getting the seed and getting back to the tree to eat it.

My best shot - there was cheering and clapping!!!

Sharing with Raindrops and Daisies


  1. Linda sequência! eu não conheço esses alimentadores, muito úteis para alimentar pássaros. Um abraço!

  2. gorgeous pictures, Joanne! I have heard great things about those feeders, and then the other day someone posted a picture of a squirrel inside it! How did that sneaky little thing get in there?

  3. Those are great shots of those sweet little birds! I gave up trying to keep the squirrels out of my feeders, so now I feed them, too! I didn't know you wrote a book, JoAnn! I know what's next on my reading list now! You sure were a cute little kid. Your family is just sweet as can be. Have a lovely weekend! xoxo

  4. Joanne,

    I liked this bird feeder.
    The photos are so beautiful.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. that is a very clever way to bring the birdies to you! I'm going to check out those feeders over at Amazon, looks like they work really well. Hope you are feeling better.

  6. Cute shots of your Juncos and Chickadees. I wish you a quick recovery from your surgery. Have a happy weekend!

  7. Que linda cenas!!! Lindas, lindas! Amo passarinhos! Beijos!

  8. Those chickadees are fast here too! Oh and when we see junco's here this time of year, it's a sign winter is not over yet.


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