
Friday, August 14, 2020

Summer Wild Flowers

Wild flowers abound this time of the year - here are two of my favorites.
 Fireweed is everywhere - I want some growing in my yard - I think it grows thick enough and fast enough that there would be some left to bloom after the deer graze through - at least that is my hope.

 Such a pretty flower - it is the first flowers to bloom after a wild fire - or after logging.  The seeds are light and fluffy and float on the wind.
Another is wild Sweet Peas - they grow in masses alongside country roads - the biggest wave of them we ever saw was almost a mile long - they are amazing.

A nice backdrop for waves of Sweet Peas.
 Pinks and purples.  I planted some seeds in pots on our deck this year - when they go to seed I will save the seeds and hopefully get some that will survive the deer who visit our yard regularly.

What wildflowers bloom in your area?  When we lived in Burney California there were Bachelor's Button growing in wild masses.  Our kids would pick pretty bouquets of them on their way home for lunch.


  1. I like the fireweed. Not something I see here!!

  2. Beautiful wildflowers - had not seen wild sweet peas before - hope you can grow some in the garden. We have deer also - they've even been eating the figs under the tree - so lovely to watch as they come and go silently and are very graceful.

    At this point I really don't mind who comes to eat in the garden, Nature at least brings life so our somewhat silent cul-de-sac these days! Houses for sale, one sold and going to be razed next door (guess the noise and mess we keep deer away then!), neighbors traveling - the brave ones! Bob and I really feel socially distanced that's for certain!

    Hope all well there dear JoAnn.
    Stay well - be safe.
    Mary -

  3. What a reminder of plants I so miss! thanks for all ... and the lovely closeups.


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