
Monday, August 3, 2020


A few miles south of us there is a Polo Club - we see the sign every time we go to our favorite farm stand in LaConner.  I need to look up some information about when they play polo - I'd love to see a game, or even a practice.
 There are dozens of beautiful horses in the fields and we stop and take photos almost every time we pass.

 These were in a different field a bit down the road - they were enjoying a snack off that big bale of hay.

 Such pretty horses.
I've only ridden a horse one time - and it decided to lie down against a bank and my leg got painfully squished - have you ever ridden a horse?  I love to see them when they are running through the fields.  My lifelong dream is to see wild horses running free.  


  1. I've been on a horse a handful of times. It's okay so long as they only walk or trot. Anything faster than that is terrifying when you don't know how to ride.

  2. We've seen wild horses in the West and also here in Florida. They really do look different and less groomed! I've only ridden a few times years ago and did not enjoy it at all. I was skeeeered! lol Hugs!

  3. I worked summers at a girls camp that had retired race horses for the girls to learn to ride. It was a confined area and the horses were well behaved. Some were good jumpers and I could go riding at the end of the day. Once I was riding with only a halter, no saddle or reins, and someone let the other horses out to the night pasture. The horse I was on jerked the halter free from my hand, sailed over the high fence, and took off like a shot through the woods, not stopping until he met up with his dinner. I just hung on with arms and legs, head down so as not to be swept off by the tree branches. I remember how shaky I was walking the path back to the stables.

  4. Me encantan los caballos . Saludos.


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