
Friday, April 10, 2020

More Shorebirds and A Surprise

More Dunlins in the seasonal ponds on farm fields
 Lined up for a nap
 Fly Away!!

 There is a Widgeon among the Dunlins
And far over on the outside of the flocks are some Wood Ducks.  Not their usual habitat, but such an exciting find.  I didn't notice them until I saw the photos on the laptop.  At first I thought they were more Widgeons, but the head shape is so different.

Have you ever noticed something interesting when viewing your photos on your computer?


  1. I enjoyed these photos. I am not a good bird photographer!

  2. Yes, I often see things I missed through the camera viewfinder - nice surprises often pop up on the computer!
    Stay well - hugs - Mary

  3. I have taken pictures of things I wanted to identify, but not by mistake. I think growing up in the age of print film makes me more conservative than I could be.


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