
Thursday, April 16, 2020

First Daffodils

A late February down to Skagit to see if there were any daffodils blooming
We found a field with the first blossoms
And another with more blooming
Rows and rows 

And still more to come - and tulips after that
Daffodils are my favorite flower - what is yours?


  1. I love hydrangeas and any kind of daisy! These are sure a cheerful yellow! Take care of yourself sweet friend! Hugs, Diane

  2. I can never decide - maybe the marsh marigold

  3. Deciding on a favourite flower is a moving target for me. It really depends upon the season we're in. I am partial to hyacinths, hydrangeas, roses, and dahlias. Daffodils are always a welcome sight in the spring. So cheerful!

  4. Breathtaking! I think my favourite flowers are . . . no, I can't choose just one kind!

  5. I do love daffodils but also old roses and peonies and for wildflowers, Virginia Bluebells and hepaticas.

  6. Wow, that would be a wonderful sight to see!

  7. Those are so lovely. The place I grew up had a forest floor covered with a carpet of daffodils each spring. I love the progression of flowers throughout the year. I grew up in a rose garden, as my dad's hobby was hybridizing roses. They are hard to grow here, as the soil seems too acid and the weather is not suited either... at least in Tokyo.

  8. Wow! So beautiful! Here the Daffs just come up "volunteer" or sporadically on farms and roadsides.

  9. I love daffodils. Have you seen any of the videos online of the flowers blooming in the Netherlands? There's a garden called Keukenhoffen (I think that's the spelling) that is closed but has put virtual tours online. They're stunning.


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