
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Trumpeter Swans

The overwintering Tundra and Trumpeter swans swarm in the farm fields just south of here.
 Now and then a few Canada Geese join in
 When the fields are flooded from heavy rains the swans take a swim

 Elegantly posing
On the look-out.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Hawk and Heron

 Red Tail Hawk
 Another Red Tail Hawk atop a tree

 Great Blue Heron
 On a windy day

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Signs of Spring

These were taken in mid March - when spring first started showing.
 Lovely Camelias

 The Wild Plum trees fill the fields and roadsides with white, snowy blossoms

 Such spring beauty.

What are your first trees to bloom in the spring?

Sunday, April 19, 2020


 The fields are green and the horses are enjoying the new grass.

A Brown Headed Cowbird and baby - getting a ride on the horse.  This is unusual, as the Cowbirds lay their eggs in the nests of other species and the babies are raised by the host bird.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

First Daffodils

A late February down to Skagit to see if there were any daffodils blooming
We found a field with the first blossoms
And another with more blooming
Rows and rows 

And still more to come - and tulips after that
Daffodils are my favorite flower - what is yours?

Friday, April 10, 2020

Happy Easter

Since we can't get together with friends and family this Easter - I want to share some of our past holidays.  Starting with our kids.
Ready for Easter - in outfits sewn by my mom 
 And the next year - an Easter Bunny Cake
 Down through the years - I had such fun sewing all their outfits
 And a few years later - coloring eggs with neighborhood kids and friends.
  Beccy in the middle in pink - Lori to the right in maroon.

  I always wanted a white china cabinet - we found this brown one and I thought I would paint it white - NEVER AGAIN.  All those nooks and crannies - but just wait until you see it in white.

 I do love all the cute doo-dads and decorations of spring!
 And in all of its white glory!!  It took me a week to get it all painted - but so worth it. 

I adore pretty napkin rings 
And of course we have plenty of treats - deviled egg chicks 
Bunny bottoms cup cakes
Bunny cupcakes
 And another bunny cake
Pretty  flowery cupcakes - we made a day of it - frosting and decorating the cupcakes.

 Pretty table settings

 And lots of good food - Easter brunch is such fun!

Happy Easter - may you have fabulous memories!