
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Update on JoAnn

No photos today folks -, this is Don, JoAnn's husband. I wanted to answer a few questions she's been receiving and catch you up on what is happening . After 10 days in the hospital she has been home for a few days now. She is improving slowly, has someone from the family with her 24 hours a day, has home health nurse visits as well as PT visits. Right now her goal is to gain her strength back so she can get back to normal activities. All infections are healing well and responding to treatment, nothing new has developed, thank goodness. She still isn't up to individual communications, but really appreciates all your care and concern,and does love hearing from her friends. The family and I thank you all for being so thoughtful and kind. Progress seems slow but it is happening.


  1. Sending JoAnn my best wishes for a full and speedy recovery! I'm glad she's home and receiving such good care. It's always easier to heal at home.

  2. I had no idea these health issues had come up! Sending best wishes for complete healing and a return of normal energy. May everyone in your family find calm and good health, peace and ease.

  3. Oh my goodness, this is a shock Don!

    I had no idea anything was going on regarding JoAnn being ill and hospitalized. I haven't seen anything on the blog and am so sorry I didn't know what she has been going through. Please tell her Bob and I send much love, prayers, and good wishes for a complete recovery from whatever illness she is now recovering from.

    Thanks for telling us Don - do hope to see her back here soon.
    Please give her a hug from me.
    Fondly, Mary

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Prayers for a quick and complete recovery flying across the pond. Many thanks, Don, for the update.

  6. I am sorry to hear that JoAnn has been so ill. Please assure her of my best wishes for improved health. Thank you for the info.

    Lorrie, from Fabric Paper Thread.

  7. Hello,

    I am sorry to hear about JoAnn's illness. Sending my prayers and well wishes for a complete and quick recovery. Thanks for the update!

  8. Best wishes and a good recovery to Joann
    Thanks a lot for letting us know about her situation.

  9. Sorry to hear you were in the hospital, but glad to hear you are home and recovering. Having health issues at this tine in our lives can be difficult, but I know you are on track to recovery and have loving family nearby to help. I'll watch here to see how things are progressing. Thanks Don for letting us know. - Margy

  10. I am sorry to hear JoAnn has been so ill too and I hope she has a good recovery. I appreciate you letting us know so that we can keep her in our prayers. Give her a sweet hug for me and tell her to hug a dollie today and think of me! She's a special friend to me! Lots of love, Diane

  11. Don - I was wondering when it had been a while since her last post. Thank you so much for the update. Praying for a speedy recovery and resilience for all those around JoAnn.

  12. I'm stopping by again to let JoAnn know she is in my thoughts and prayers today. I hope she is improving and able to enjoy a blessed weekend! Give her some hugs for me today! Sweet hugs, Diane

  13. Oh, my, I did not know anything at all was wondering what all has happened. I do hope she is back to normal soon.

  14. Oh, this is quite a shock! Thank you, Don, for the update. I'd assumed that JoAnn was just taking a blogging break so I haven't been checking in.
    JoAnn, I'm very sorry to hear you landed in the hospital and glad to hear you're back home again. I'm glad you're responding well to treatment - that can be such a big hurdle. Please take good care, get your strength back, and be good to yourself. I look forward to seeing you back blogging again when you're feeling up to it. XOXOXOXOXO Kay

  15. I hope you are improving and getting stronger every day JoAnn! I did a Wednesday Wee Ones with Wendy the doll and thought about you. We've always had such fun with our dolls! Just think of all the doll clothes we made! Lots of sweet hugs, Diane

  16. JoAnn so sorry to hear you have been ill but good to hear you are home and in recovery. Please take care.
    Best healthy wishes

  17. Please let us know how JoAnn is doing - Don or anyone in the family, just a little note would be good.

    Meanwhile JoAnn, you are in my thoughts and prayers and Bob and I hope so much you will be up and about, and back here on the blog, very soon.
    I'm heading off across the pond to see my family so may not post or comment whilst way - but I'll keep you in my thoughts.
    Warm hugs and get well wishes - Mary xoxoxoxoxox

  18. Thanks for the update. I did not know there was an illness.
    Speedy recovery


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