
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Santa, Crabapples and Shorebirds

Some random fun as we drive around, looking for Snow Geese, or Tundra Swans, or Bald Eagles, or Red Tail Hawks - or whatever might surprise and delight us.
 At first I thought these were rose hips, but no thorns, with the help of neaby blogger, Lorrie, she tells me these are Hawthorn trees - sure would like to see this tree in bloom in the spring.

 And there was a Velvet, vintage Santa, just enjoying the afternoon on the swing - well into the new year.  I guess Santa needs a rest now and then too.
 And a flock of shore birds, Dunlins I think - so far away in the seasonal pond that I couldn't get a great focus - but a thrill anyway - We've looked for these for two years and finally spotted a medium sized flock.

And they scattered as a hawk passed over - what a thrill!


  1. Santa's just relaxing and who can begrudge him that?

  2. I couldn't imagine that you saw Santa...but indeed you DID! Beautiful photos and fun things too! Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs!

  3. I was hoping someone knew what that first tree is...maybe it is a crabapple, but it is not like any I have seen.

  4. Not familiar with the Dunlins - you did catch a large flock there JoAnn.
    The mountain scenery is so lovely - I've always wanted live with a mountain view.
    Mary x

  5. That looks like a carpet of birds, and, maybe compared to the other birds you get over-wintering, a bit smaller, but huge to me. The crabapples are really showing off, now that they are ripe.

  6. How beautiful!
    I love seeing the berries. It's important winter food for many of our birds.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  7. I think the berries might be hawthornes, good food for the birds. They darken in late winter. The trees are beautiful when in bloom.

  8. They are amazing! We're so frozen!

  9. JoAnn - whatever that fruit is, I am surprised it's not gone already … great winter food for the birds and squirrels and deer.

    Are the dunlins sleeping? It looks like they all have their beaks under wing …

    I love the randomness of this - one thing is sure, you won't find anything if you don't go looking for something!


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