
Saturday, February 9, 2019

No Birds?

We came across this field with some very friendly horses a few weeks ago.  They seemed to be as interested in us as we were in them.

This one seemed to be the friendliest of all.
I've never seen a horse with its tongue sticking out - silly horse.

One of them was often hiding behind the others.
Take my picture - I'm cute - and friendly.
These horses will be great for next year's horse calendar that I make for a friend.


  1. Hi JoAnn,

    Thanks for sharing those horses with us. Two of them reminded me of camargue or camarguais horses.


  2. For the year of the boar, shouldn't you be taking pig pictures instead? Oh, and next year is the year of the rat.

  3. JoAnn - I think they might have been looking for a hand-out - you didn't have any apples or carrots in your pockets? Gorgeous horses!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!