
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Hawks and Herons

Another day - we saw a lot of Red Tail Hawks 
 Fluffing their feathers

 Looking for lunch


 Flying away

 Just sitting
 On a wire

 And a Great Blue Heron in a field with green grass and bright yellow flowers - a pretty winter field.  This is what winter looks like most of the time in our part of the Pacific Northwest (NW Washington State) - all that rain keeps us nice and green.
 Sitting high in a tree
Or stalking something along the edge of the slough.  Any day with hawks and herons is a great day!


  1. Lovely pix JoAnn. We do have at least one red-talied hawk here in the neighborhood - I hear it calling often and have seen it on top of a telephone pole on the street. Once it brought a squirrel to one of my oaks and dined off it for two days!

    Never seen a heron up a tree here but plenty in Africa!

    Enjoy the day - it's another miserable one here which is why I just did a bright cardinal post - they add a little color to the otherwise dreary Feb. garden.
    Hugs - Mary

  2. You got some great photos. Nice detail in these birds.

  3. The beaks on those hawks looks so sharp and frightening. And the heron is such a beautiful bird! Nice bird shots!

  4. We have Gray Herons, and a little smaller Black-crowned Night Heron that look rather similar, and are often spotted in trees or high grass. Those hawks look like they are always hunting. They are not so easy to spot here,

  5. Hi JoAnn. Love the old heron. He is so stately but yet looks like he would have a great personality!! You always take the best pictures of wild life. Thank you for your visit. I had to answer you on my blog page as I am no longer getting anyone's comments through my inbox. I don't like answering on the blog because I can't believe anyone will come back after already reading it. I don't want anyone to think I don't care about their comments. It just started this last week so don't know what is wrong..Happy Weekend..xxoJUdy

  6. I love seeing both of these, too. Just something about birds of prey! And always love the GBHs.

  7. Great shots of the Hawk and Heron.
    The Eagle tree on my blog is one in Stanwood not the one by Edison.

  8. Love these, especially that grouchy-looking heron!


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