
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Bald Eagles

We have hundreds of Bald Eagles nesting in our area this time of year.  It is a good time to find them sitting atop something, looking for food for them and their eaglets in the nest. 
 Often they will sit above a flock of Snow Geese or flocks of ducks in the seasonal ponds or rivers. 

 Or they sit on the top of trees, bending the branches down with their weight, which can vary from 6 1/2 pounds up to 14 pounds, the females are the largest and heaviest.

 They sit in the twiggy trees along the river dikes - just waiting and waiting - they are the most patient of birds.

 The sight of a bent evergreen (when there is no eagle perched on it) is a sign that eagles use that tree for viewing their kingdom. 
 Sitting tall on the very top of an Alder tree.

 And once in a great while we see an eagle on the ground - we try not to get too close so it won't be frightened away. 

 Getting a drink from the puddle.


  1. Hello, love this post on the eagles. Awesome series of photos!

    Happy Thursday, enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead.

  2. They are such magnificent looking birds!

  3. Eagles are fascinating to observe, and require much patience to photograph in motion. They can be still for such a long time, surveying their kingdom! Great shots, JoAnne!

  4. I envy your having so many eagles in your region. You have some very nice shots here.
    By the way: How do you like how the Cascades look from our perspective? It's so interesting to take a look from an unfamiliar direction.


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