
Friday, June 15, 2018

Birds and Butterflies

I got my first EVER photo of a butterfly recently - and now I have more.  I've never had one sit still long enough to get a good focus - and now they seem to be everywhere. 

 They really love the petunias
 This was taken through the living room window, and a lace curtain - I like the shadowy effect and the way the sun shines through the butterfly's wings.
 Red Garden Phlox is another favorite.

 The butterfly is snuggled down into the flower, it took a nap there for quite a long time.

 And the hummingbirds have been busy - female Rufous hummingbird
 And the male Rufous has glorious feather colors when the light is just at the right angle.


  1. ...such wonderful critters!

  2. Butterflies are hard to capture photos of, aren't they. You got some gorgeous shots here, JoAnn. The Rufous is a handsome fellow.

  3. Hello, your flowers and butterfly images are lovely. I love your sweet hummer, their colors are gorgoeus! Beautiful captures. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend. PS, thank you for visit and commenting on my post.

  4. Swallowtails and hummingbirds. Not a bad way to start the day!

  5. Beautiful butterflies! Love the hummer shots!

  6. Yes, butterflies are just not around like they used to be. When I was a kid 50 years ago, they were everywhere.

  7. I love trying to get butterfly photos but it sure is tricky! Love your sweet hummer too. Happy weekend!

  8. Great photos! I've seen fewer than normal butterflies this year. I think the wet cold spring hurt the population. Same with the hummers. A LOT fewer of those as well.

  9. Awesome hummingbird and butterfly photos! I had one of those gorgeous yellow swallowtails fly by my head and move on when I was outside the other day. Wish I could have caught him on a flower and taken his photo!

  10. Congrats on the butterfly shots! Around here, I see them, but they don't land long enough for a photo! I am always amazed at the brilliance of the rufous hummer - as you say, when the light strikes it at just the right angle! Enjoy your week ahead!

  11. Tons of butterflies out this year. And they seem very friendly---All western Tiger Swallowtail---love 'em

  12. I love seeing all your nature shots. You should send some to Birds and Blooms magazine.


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