
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Budding Out Already

The forecast for our winter was that it would be much colder than normal - and we've had one fairly big snow - a huge, destructive ice storm just a few miles north of here, up near the Canadian border and a lot of rain, but some of the shrubs seem to be confused.
On December 16 we went for a ride and were shocked at what was in bloom, or budding out.
This pretty pink shrub as just bursting with spring time flowers.
 It was in front of a rhododendron that had fat buds on it.
 This bright yellow shrub was fat with tiny, tiny buds.  It looks like a Yellow Twigged Dogwood - though I've not seen it bloom.  We'll go back in the spring and see what happens 
 Had to get a picture of the rose hips - food for the birds that overwinter here.
 And the Pussy Willows were magnificent that December day.
 Fat and puffy and so soft

 Red Twigs were everywhere - we'll watch and see what they become 
 Not sure what this is - if I ever knew I've certainly forgotten.  Any help out there with identifying, please?  It was lush with blossoms.
 Hazel Nuts grow wild here and fill the woods - the little catkins are beginning to show - this tree is on our street - there is a small forest of them on the way to our house.
  And I just had to get a photo of this crabapple tree - standing so bravely in front of the little woods.
The birds will have a feast this winter - I'd love to go back and get a picture of this in bloom in the spring - it must be glorious.
Our lilac has buds, you can see them to the left of the Stellar's Jays, and the snowball bush is beginning to get leaf buds.  I noticed today that the daffodils are up about 4 inches and there are some Grape Hyacinth sprouting up.  I won't complain if spring comes early.


  1. ...great to see that 'spring is in the air' for you.

  2. Great photos! Love them all! No buds in northern Alberta until May.

  3. Beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing! ~Dazee~

  4. Late January/early February does seem a bit early for some of these plants to be flowering/budding out. It's snowing here (again!) Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Hello, love the pretty trees and berries. We are not seeing any buds here yet. The Stellar Jays are beautiful. Looks like spring has arrived there.
    Enjoy your day and weekend!

  6. Nice to see that you have some signs of spring, though it seems a bit early. LOVE those Jays!! Thanks for linking up today, Latane!

  7. You are not Latane, sorry about that!

  8. You've made me think that I need to get out and take a closer look around me. Our willows have lots of catkins on them and we've got daffodils peeking up with little green shoots but I certainly haven't seen any blossoms! We've had a lot of very cold nights here lately, many at or near freezing, so we may be behind you. I love your shot of the crabapple.

  9. Love seeing all the buds and blooms! I cut some branches today and brought them in to force, since, according to the old Celts, today is the first day of spring :)

  10. Awesome- it seems spring has sprung there or Mother Nature is napping! Have a good weekend!

  11. It looks as if Spring is just around the lovely for you. Oh how pretty those blue birds are.

  12. Our winter is setting records for snow and cold. Not many flowers peeping out yet. Late christmas cacti are laughing at the orchids buried in the snow on the other side of the greenhouse glass.


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