
Monday, February 5, 2018


What a weekend - I had a bout with a very mean kidney stone - a quick trip to the doctor on Thursday morning after a horrendous night of pain - mostly to ascertain that it was a kidney stone and not something else that might need different attention.

How's this for good service? Called at 8:05 when the office opened - asked for a same-day appointment with my primary doctor but she was fully booked - I was offered my choice of several other doctors that could take patients early so I picked the one who had an 8:25 appointment open - good thing we don't live too far from the doctors' office.  I was checked in and in the exam room before 9 a.m.  I do like our Senior Health Clinic!!!!  And the new doctor was fabulous - she listened - did appropriate tests and took good care of me.

Fortunately the episode is over with - no pain since Friday at midnight and I generally feel a lot better than I have for some time now.

And a bonus - two pretty bouquets from Don.
 Daffodils - because it is spring and because they are my favorite flower
 And red roses - just because

I wouldn't recommend kidney stones - but definitely would recommend bouquets - they always add cheer.


  1. I'm sorry about the kidney stone, but glad that the episode is over and you have some lovely flowers instead! Daffodils are the cheeriest things at this time of year.

  2. ...kidney stones, what a bummer!

  3. Hi Joann - so sorry about your painful kidney stones - I hear they're the worst things ever - so I am more than happy to know you aren't hurting any more!

    Your flowers are gorgeous = hard to believe you are experiencing spring when it is still so very winter here in my world.

    Love those flowers. Don is a keeper. ♥

  4. I am glad you made it through the kidney stone ... I know I need to drink more water .... thanks for the reminder!

  5. I hate that you've had this happen! I've had kidney stones and know how painful it can be. Take care of yourself and you know the drill....drink lots of water. Lots and lots of hugs, Diane Oh...and your flowers are lovely! Give that sweet hubby a HUG!

  6. I feel your pain - had one once in the middle the night and thought someone had stabbed me with a carving knife. Hubby was on a business trip, granddaughter who was about 6 was staying with me and had to call her mom. Was taken by ambulance to the hospital, it was worse than having the babies!!!!! Did you pass the stone JoAnn? Hope it's resolved and you will not be having any further trouble. The things we have to contend with, ugh!

    Lovely spring blooms - my daffs are poking through and I spy a few buds already!

    Take care, hugs Mary

  7. What beautiful bouquets! Glad the kidney stone has settled down again.

  8. I have heard that kidney stones are terribly painful. So glad you are feeling better, lovely JoAnn. Those Daffodils are so pretty and the roses....heaven! Spring is certainly on the way to you.

  9. Hello, I am so happy you are feeling better. The bouquets are lovely, beautiful flowers. Wishing you a happy day!

  10. I've had lower back pain several times over the last two years. I assume it was kidney stones, but haven't been near a doctor when it happened. I used a hot water bottle and several hours later it subsided. It's on my list to ask my doctor at the physical this year. Mom went to Senior Health Center in Bellingham. I really liked them too. She had Dr. Lindner and he was wonderful for her and worked well with me as her caregiver. - Margy


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