
Saturday, November 18, 2017

Guinea Fowl and Ducks

On one of our country drives I spotted these birds - stop - turn around - quick - they are getting away.
At first I thought they were turkeys - but no - Guinea Fowls - I had never seen any before
What pretty earrings they have, and lovely bustles!
They have beautiful spotted feathers.  They were moving so fast I only got a few photos before they disappeared under a fence and into a horse pasture.
Not far away - on the bay - Ring Necked Ducks - enjoying the day on the calm ocean
Don't you love their blue beaks?
And a seagull flew by.


  1. Hello, the guinea fowl is a great sighting. Did they escape from a farm? I like their earrings. The Ring-necked ducks are pretty too, I have not seen many yet. Great collection of photos. Thank you so much for linking up and for your nice comment and visit. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  2. I love guinea fowl. They are such exotic looking birds - your photos do them justice.

  3. Nice shots of the guinea fowl. I saw some while in Oklahoma, but every time I drove by, there were people outside. When we go back, I'll keep trying. Enjoyable post!

  4. Guineas make the worst noises! :-) Great shots of them. Loved the seagull too.

  5. I love the seagull in majestic! And it's such fun to see something out of the ordinary too! The guinea fowl are very neat! Enjoy your weekend my friend. We have snow flurries in the forecast for tonight! know I'm freezing! heehee! I have on flannel! haha! Hugs, Diane

  6. Oh, I think guineas are so, so pretty and so unusual.

  7. JoAnn - "earrings and bustles" - an apt and entertaining description! I don't think I have ever seen them without feathers on their heads .... And now I have a vision of screeching tires as you turned around to get the shot!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog!

  8. When we first got married there were Guinea fowl on the farm. They were funny noisy things wandering around the fields.

  9. We were surprised to have a few guinea fowl racing across our back yard. We had no idea what they were, I couldn't find them in my bird books, and my husband checked with our Audubon Center. They told us that people raise them, then get tired of them, and release them. We never saw them again so they probably fed either the coyotes or eagles. They are kind of pretty but don't seem very bright.


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