
Friday, September 29, 2017

Summer Photo Hunt.

A summer scavenger hunt - haven't been on one of those for a long time - away we go!
1.       Something fuzzy
Seagull with ruffled feathers
2.       Bubbles
3.  A web
4.       A zig zag 
Canada Goose Feathers
5.       A seasonal relaxing space/item 
Little Libraries - take a book, leave a book, enjoy summer reading
6.       A pipe 
Great Blue Heron and Seagull, conversing on a cement pipe in Birch  Bay
7.       The inside of something 
The tire on my daughter's car after the tire blew
8.       Rust or something derelict 
9.       A kite or balloon
Not this summer - but a fun picture of a birthday party with our grandson Ben - he is now 12 and taller than I am.
So here is the kite - or kites, as the case may be

10.   Something Yellow
11.   A toy only found out during June to September
Sammie and Sally Jo playing with their beachball

12.   A wedding
This photo covers two selections - a bunny wedding - and
13.   A dome 

14.   Someone fishing 
Gerald, the Great Blue Heron
15.   Something crafted from wood
Bears outside the Rusty Wagon restaurant
16.   A baby (human or animal) 
Juvenile Downy Woodpecker
17.   Circles or crosses in architecture 
18.   A fan 
19.   Feet of man or beast 
20.   Something found under ground 
My favorite garden sign - it says carrots but the field was full of corn in the summer
Carrots growing in a friend's garden
21.  A plaque
22.  A dial 
Our kitchen clock - bought with Green Stamps over 45 years ago
23.  Something powered by wind
24.  Seasonal food or drink 
Barbecue with salads, chips and iced tea.  The meat is on the grill
25.  A hat 
Tin Man with a cowboy hat, in the Rusty Wagon Restaurant

For more Photo Hunt fun - 


  1. ...JoAnn, what a fabulous job!

  2. These are FUN! The close up of the goose feathers is amazing. I thought it was a mis-colored artichoke at first!

  3. Thanks JoAnn for playing along in the SPSH. All are good choices for each item. Like that your blue heron allows you so close.

  4. What a great selection. I love the way different people interpret the prompts in your case the birds fishing and the inside of the tyre. Great carrot sign but I bet they still taste good. Love your clock.

  5. Lovely selection of photos. I LOVE all the bird photos and your kitchen clock is pretty neat too.


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