
Saturday, September 9, 2017

Herons at March Point

A while ago I showed you the Seige of Herons at March Point - out behind the refineries.  Today I want to share more of them - closer and more action.
 Flying, fish in mouth
 There were a lot of herons catching fish that day - can you find the one with the fish?
 Coming in for a landing

 Take a bow!

 I was here first!
 Ok, Ok!  I'm going!

 And we'll end with some ballet


  1. Love the picture of the confrontation. - Margy

  2. Great photos! Love the Herons! The seventh photo is my favorite
    Have a wonderful week-end!

  3. Just beautiful! What a lovely series of photos.

  4. Hello, It is neat seeing groups of these large waders. I love the Great Blue Herons, they always seem to be active and busy birds. Great photos.

    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Amazing action shots, JoAnn. These birds are so elegant.


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