
Sunday, August 6, 2017

A Siege of Herons

That's what you call a bunch of herons - a Siege - and did we ever see "bunch" of Great Blue Herons.  The shallow waters of Padilla Bay are perfect feeding grounds and we were lucky enough to see amazing sights.  We had been looking for the Pelicans - we did find them, but they were so far out in the bay on a tiny island - and that made getting photos of them difficult.  But herons - did we ever see the herons.

 We were on a small bluff above the bay - they came in quickly.

 The one in the top right corner just plunged its head in to catch a fish.

 A Bald Eagle flew over - they were quick to take flight.  I didn't realize that eagles would frighten such a large bird as a heron.

It was a marvelous experience - next time - more dancing and flying and even a bit of a spat.

These photos are for you Karen - hopefully you will sometime soon get to see many herons.


  1. I don't think I have ever seen that many herons at one time. Usually herons and egrets come in pairs or even alone.

  2. Wow....this is incredible!!
    Outstanding images, and enjoyed reading the narration also. The eagle scaring them into flight, learning about 'siege' etc.
    Wonderful post, filled with.....wonderment!!!

    Thanks so much for linking in and sharing this with all of us birders at I'd Rather B Birdin'. I always look forward to viewing when you participate.

  3. Hello JoAnn, there are a lot of Herons there. I found the heron with the fish. Great series of photos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  4. Good to see these photo's.
    That's a lot of herons, and I didn't know it was called a siege!

    All the best Jan

  5. What wonderful photos! When you see something special there it seems like you always see so much! You live in a beautiful part of the country! I wish we were playing dollies this week though. It's on my 'to do' list! lol Hugs, Diane

  6. Interesting to see so many together.

  7. Oh, my! I bet I could live to be a 100 years old and not see this. I would not have wanted to leave.

  8. A siege of Herons eh? I'll remember if I ever see such a group of them!

  9. I would love to be surrounded by such a 'siege' JoAnn! Never have seen that many herons in a group - they usually appear as such solitary birds, alone and silent. These were apparently having a good time together, just spectacular! Thanks for sharing the joyful gathering.

    Mary -

  10. What a great group of birds! I am used to only seeing them on their own. I didn't even realize they gathered like that. Thanks for sharing your amazing photos!

  11. A siege! I'll try to remember that ...we have seen them in groups, but never a 'siege' as big as this wonderful one! Love these pics.

  12. Tthought I'd commented on both this post and your later one ...but I'm getting older by the minute and maybe I dreamed it. Loved learning the group noun for the herons...I've never seen so many at once ...wonderful. And your deck (later post) is wonderful.


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!