
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Barns Near Silver Lake

A nice trip to Silver Lake County Park for an early spring picnic took us past some interesting farms and barns.  The area is in the mountains so I didn't expect to see a lot of barns.
But there were some quite interesting ones. The caps on the posts even match the barn roof.
 A lovely home in a pretty little valley
With a pretty barn and garden
 Beginning to sag - there was no sign of farming activity nearby.

 I think we'll store the boat and the old farm truck near this barn
Paint peeling - an old shed sits and waits

Friday, June 23, 2017

Summer Birds

 The ponds near our house have Canada Geese that overwinter - and in the spring it is time for babies.
 The goslings hatched some time ago, and swim along with the parents

They grow up quickly.

 And several Mallard families nest in the same area
 Something upset Mother Goose -  off to the water with the babies close behind
Mother Goose is also busy protecting her babies - all is well with mothers on guard.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Trees in Bloom

There is nothing so pretty as Washington State in the spring and summer (or autumn and winter).  In spring and early summer the trees bloom - and they are everywhere.  We live at the top of a very high hill and on the way down into town we have a huge panoramic view of the city - and most of it is trees with a few housetops showing amongst the trees.
 The Horse Chestnut Trees are in full bloom - some white and some newer varieties, like this hot pink one.

 On Chestnut Street, downtown, you will find both the white and the pink Chestnut trees lining the street for blocks.  Be careful in the autumn, while walking under the trees you might get conked on the head as the chestnuts fall with a mighty thud.
 The Hawthorn trees are everywhere and the scent is fabulous.  Bees love them - and in the autumn, birds will feast.

 And if you should be lucky enough to come across a Jacaranda tree, you will feel like you are visiting the fairies that surely live in these lovely trees.  

 They bloom in glorious, long trumpet flowers before the leaves come out.  We came across this one in the woods, not near any houses and were not sure how it got there.  Perhaps a house used to be there, perhaps a bird planted it.  There is a massive one down by the Bellingham Ferry Terminal building, but over the years it has suffered wind damage and much of it has had to be pruned away to be safe - but the flowers are still fabulous.

 Double Flowering Peach trees line many streets and driveways in our town.  There is pink "snow" for weeks.

Dogwood trees bloom in yards, along neighborhood streets and in the woods in early spring. 

 Bayview Cemetery is awash in Dogwood blossoms .
 And the pink Dogwood shines even on cloudy days.

 Golden Chain trees are among the first to bloom each year - their scent is as pretty as their flowers.  Someday I shall have one.

 There is a small walnut orchard on the way to Mt. Baker that blooms gloriously each year. 

What kind of blossoming trees grow in your area?  I'd love to see photos of them.

Barns and Apple Trees

When I first saw this barn I thought it had one side that was brick - but it is just the way the paint has worn off in the weather. 

 A round barn - I'd never seen one near here before - this one has a tractor peeking out the front - perhaps it is used for storing farm equipment.
 These barns are all just south of the town of Ferndale, WA - on a road with sweet homes and pretty old barns - no farming going on here - just  barns to enjoy.
 And ancient apple trees in bloom
 The little blue sign on the front of the lower building is a baby chick - it seems to be advertising a certain breed of chicken.
Another long, low chicken shed, near a well kept garden - I want to go back in the summer and see what is growing there. 
 Patch patch patch!
 Another apple tree - another shed.
 A magnificent tree by a fabulous old barn
 Fields of dandelions in front of a barn with a new shingle roof.
And an original little farm house - leaning over and ready for a collapse.