
Monday, May 15, 2017

Whatcom Falls

Whatcom Falls Park is in the middle of our city, Bellingham, Washington -  just a few blocks from our home.  This winter we have had heavy rains, setting a record for the wettest February and March in history.  So a trip to the falls was in order
Spring 2017
Let's compare the falls to the summer 2015 - much drier year
Daffodils blooming at the entrance welcome us on this sunny day.
This the widest we've ever seen the falls.
Crashing down into the pond at the bottom, the water is flowing so fast that the pond is completely obscured.
Summer 2015 - rocks and pond at the bottom of the falls are in full view - barely any splashing of the falls into this area.  Notice the rocks to the left top of the falls - people often walk out there when the falls are at this flow.
Mosaic from 2015
Back to 2017.
Now look at the rocks to the top left side of the falls, no walking out there today.

March 2017

The falls are on Whatcom Creek which flows from Lake Whatcom, several miles to Bellingham Bay, often underground.

 A view of the stone bridge crossing the falls - where I stand to take the photos.  It was built in 1939 by President Roosevelt's New Deal WPA (Works Progress Administration) which paid workers to move the Chuckanut sandstone arches from a downtown burned-out building to the park. 
There are picnic areas, a fish hatchery, hiking trails and pond that is a small fish nursery.  The hiking paths meander along the pond on the way to the falls. 


  1. Wow, those normally placid little falls look like the mighty Niagara now!

  2. Gorgeous waterfalls. Looks very powerful.

  3. What a difference. It is precisely the opposite here in the Uk as this year we are suffering drought conditions and all the rivers are low.

  4. Wow! It's hard to believe you have so much water's gushing! And fun to see the years past! Enjoy your week sweet friend. hugs

  5. Beautiful spring shots and I love the cascading water of the waterfalls you captured so well.

  6. they say, water always flow down hill.

  7. That's a lot of water! Maybe we'll see that next time.

  8. What a beautiful place! (I'd love to have some of those rocks for my yard!)

  9. Fascinating to see the difference from year to year, what a beautiful place to visit, thanks for taking us along with you.

  10. How wonderful to live so close to that pretty spot. There is something magical about waterfalls. It must be the most wondrous sight to see all that water gushing over the rocks; and the sound.....LOVE the sound of torrents of water crashing over rocks. How interesting to see the photos in different years. You do live in a beautiful part of the world, JoAnn.

  11. That's a huge difference. I still haven't made it there. - Margy


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