
Monday, May 8, 2017

Tulip Time

The tulip fields have finished blooming a long time ago now - but here is our last visit enjoy!


  1. Those tulips are so luscious. I think I'm due for a return visit to the Skagit Valley next year. Mid-week, hopefully before the crowds!

  2. They do make a stunning display!

  3. There is something so cheerful about a tulip.....Michelle

  4. Seas and seas of beautiful Tulips....spectacular....breathtaking! Sublime photos, lovely JoAnn!

  5. ...what beautiful sights,,,thanks for sharing!

  6. I like that red tulip standing among friends. A couple years ago, I planted a row of tulip bulbs in the "weed lot' and as soon as they opened, the plant vandal ripped them all up. This year I had almost forgotten but then one red tulip showed up. It made it through several weeks and I saw a few timid leaves come up from another bulb. Maybe it is spreading a bit of hope.

  7. That doesn't seem real...I would love to see it in person! Beautiful for as far as you can see! Enjoy your day sweet friend. It's nice here today and I'm off to the library in a bit! Hugs!

  8. I just can't wrap my head around so many beautiful tulips in one area! What an amazing sight this must be.

  9. These beautiful Pacific Northwest tulips are making me so homesick! (We used to have some in our yard, but they didn't compare with thee utterly gorgeous fields of course). Your header mosaic is composed so beautifully.

  10. Just beautiful!! Tulips are a favorite of mine!

  11. Oh, my, I cannot imagine living near all that color!

  12. Do they still let kids out of high school to cut the blooms? I heard that somewhere. We've been up at the cabin a lot lately without internet access so my visits have been few and far between. Hope all is well with you. - Margy


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!