Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Let's visit some white barns - come along
 Reflected in a puddle in the field

Did they make this barn into a house - or did they make a house that looks like a barn? 
 The white tin roof blends into the white clouds in the sky
 Mostly white - and very sturdy

 The line of pink blooming trees leads up to the barnyard
 Once white - but fading away

And a very pretty white fence.


Pamela Gordon said...

I love barns of any size, shape and colour. Number 3 is a beauty! Have a good week ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a great collection of white barns. The barn house is neat.
Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You have some really grand barns in your area! Love the one that blends into the white clouds. Enjoy your day sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

Unknown said...

Love your barns. Would loved to have seen you Friday if not on a different itinerary.
The Skagit Valley is so beautiful. Loved all the gorgeous old farm houses.

Lea said...

A very nice collection of barns, and I like the white fence, too!

Michelle said...

I really like that first shot. White barns are not something you see in Kentucky. Ours are usually black.

Tom said...

...JoAnn, white collection, I guess so! The first one gets my vote, the cupolas are so interesting, I don't see them like that here. Here we have houses like yours, we call them 'Dutch Colonials.' Thanks for sharing all these fabulous barns, I hope to see you again.

Granny Sue said...

Barns are slowly disappearing from the landscape here. It's nice to see so many intact in your area.

Anonymous said...

Very nice collection JoAnn. Love the reflection you captured, too.

Rose said...

Wonderful barns, JoAnn...that third one sure is handsome. and I love that reflection in the first one...

Mary said...

Never mind the barns JoAnn - I've fallen for your gorgeous new spring header! Baby geese haven't shown up around here yet but I've seen plenty of mommies on nests. Sad they are such messy birds and that there are so many of them - really to the point they are out of control. A few honk over the cottage each evening as they head to wherever they roost for the night.

White barns are very scenic - thanks for capturing so many to share here.

Hugs - Mary

HappyK said...

Oh I like the white barns. Great series of them.

Latane Barton said...

Joann, I never thought about barns being white but you really found a bunch of them. All of them so different, so unique. Great post.