Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Red Barns

 Only red barns today - all in fairly good condition


Kim said...

I will never stop saying it, no-one does barns better than you folk all the way up there. All are amazing!!

Tom said...

My guess that there is some money on the Mt. Baker Clydesdale Farm! Number 3 with the white fence is gorgeous. Thanks JoAnn for sharing all these beauties. Happy barn hunting to you.

The Furry Gnome said...

And all well cared for too - except that one.

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Hi Jo!
The barn with the split cedar(?) roof....such a gorgeous, New Looking roof on a barn that looks like it's falling apart. But it also looks like it has been painted not so very long ago. Huh.
xxoo, m & jb

Kay said...

A great series of barns. But they "Clydesdales" sign really caught my eye. I love draft horses!

Lorrie said...

Red barns are classic and always look great! Good collection!

Anonymous said...

Very nice condition for sure are these red barns!

Rose said...

Oh, you never ALL of these. That second shot and the last shot are the same barn, aren't they? It is a beauty for sure!

HappyK said...

Love all your red barn pictures. Red barns are still my favorites.