
Friday, March 24, 2017

Fly Away

My dream picture of any bird is to catch it spreading its wings - or flying.  
 Sometimes Trumpeter Swans flap their wings as a warning to those nearby

 Sometimes to rearrange their feathers

 And often just before taking off
 Away they go

First time I've ever seen it done in unison - I was, and still am, amazed.

Saturday's Critters


  1. That last shot is amazing. well captured. Have a good week ahead.

  2. Hello JoAnn, you have some awesome captures of the Swans with their beautiful wings spread open. Love the flight shots too. They are lovely birds. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. These photos are really gorgeous. Love the last one, especially.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Helluva wingspread! And that last photo is so fabulous!

  5. Gorgeous photos of our 'feathered friends' in action ~ Love your header ~ Looks like Spring ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a fun weekend ~ ^_^

  6. Lovely photos, especially the last one!
    Have a great week-end!

  7. It looks like a synchronized dance. Wish I could pull off something that well coordinated because our school id having a program and each class is doing a song or something with movements AND ... the teachers have a short stint. I can only hope to stand in the back and try to copy what those in front are doing. Joking aside, they look so lovely.

  8. Awesome photos of such magnificent birds.
    Happy birthday, JoAnn! Wishing you a great year.

  9. Great pictures of the Swans. The last one is amazing!

  10. I like them all, but that last shot is awesome.

  11. Magical photos JoAnn. I love the one of the two swans taking off with the glorious landscape as the backdrop. Also the one of them flapping their wings in unison is sublime!

  12. How beautiful! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend sweet friend. Hugs, Diane


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