
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Favorites in Spring

It is spring - the Skunk Cabbage is in "bloom" - one of my favorite spring things.
 Growing up in Southeast Alaska, where there are no skunks (you can even be fined for bringing one into Alaska), I did not know that the scent of the Skunk Cabbage was supposed to be offensive - and so I have always loved it when the first Skunk Cabbage come out in the swampy areas.

And along came a female Bufflehead Duck - that has to be my favorite duck name.

 Lots of ducks on the pond - Mallards and Bufflehead

 Lots of skunk cabbage in the boggy areas

 Ring Neck Ducks

Juvenile Common Merganser
And Common Mergansers - taking a snooze seems to be their springtime favorite.
 Canada Geese
What are your favorite signs of spring? 


  1. It's a pretty flower, all things considered.

  2. Hi JoAnn. Beautiful pics as always. I don't think I have ever seen skunk cabbage and I sure didn't know there were no skunks in Alaska. My favorite sign of spring is the mustard fields. That is the prettiest picture I've seen with the Canada Geese. Couldn't have gotten a neater picture if you styled it yourself..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  3. Those yellows sure make pretty reflections! Love your photos today. I love my knock out roses in the Spring! Lots of hugs, Diane

  4. ...these sights haven't appeared here yet!

  5. I like Skunk Cabbage and to me it doesn't have a really really bad smell---just sorta. I like to take the earliest pics of them and this year I haven't. Oh well. Lots of different Ducks around aren't there.
    Good news on seeing the Snow Geese---they have been scarce this year I think. My Daughter in Ritzville sent me a pic of a strange goose at their goose pond on the ranch and lo and behold it was a Snow goose. All by it's lonesome---just the one. Got off course somehow I guess..
    Neat Swan pics on previous post.

  6. The skunk cabbage looks so pretty and it's nice to see lots of ducks on the pond. I love the sweet bunny dish in your header. Is it vintage? My favourite sign of spring is hearing the first red-winged blackbird and robin before I even see them. That hasn't happened yet though. It's still quite wintery here. Thanks for popping by. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  7. I would say this was a good day...lots of lovely photos.

  8. I caught some quick glimpses of skunk cabbage today for the first time.
    I think my favorite "first" of spring has to be daffodils.

  9. I've never seen that plant and had no idea about the ban on skunks in Alaska! Interesting! I like to see the first sprouts of tulip leaves along the landscaped areas of my front yard. That's my first assurance that spring has sprung!

  10. I love Skunk Cabbage. It usually blooms along the creek behind our Bellingham condo, but with the cold weather it wasn't out yet when we left to return to the cabin. - Margy


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