
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Ice Storm

An ice storm in Bellingham - though it is not in the entire city.  This is about 2 miles from our house - but we have none at our house - which is unusual, as we are a much higher elevation than the rest of the city and usually get the cold/snow/ice more often.
 Branches thick with ice - it looked almost like they were in bloom from a distance.

 Some flowers left from summer, in the parking lot of JoAnn Fabrics, covered in ice.

 A truck encased in ice - but not all cars in the parking lot had ice on them
 A Bald Eagle in an iced up tree - she's watching the pond below for a duck dinner


  1. I can't believe you got that eagle in a icy tree! What an amazing photo! Hope this stuff melts quickly and you don't have any problems at your house. Take care! Hugs

  2. Wonderful shot of the eagle, and the iced over look sure is beautiful!

  3. The ice is beautiful, but sure can be deadly. We've had more ice storms this winter than any before. Hardly any snow - that's unusual, too!

  4. The pictures are pretty, hope there was no serious damage.

  5. what an utterly gorgeous photo of the Eagle and the icicles - how amazing. hope you are keeping warm.
    Wren x

  6. Hello, the ice storm looks bad. It does look pretty on the trees. Cool capture of the eagle. A duck dinner would be filling. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  7. Brrrr......looks freezing over there!! Amazing photo of the eagle, JoAnn!!

  8. I love that first photo of the bald eagle in the ice-encased tree -- magnificent!

  9. WOW, that is a lot of ice! It looks incredibly beautiful, but incredibly cold too. Hope you stayed safe and warm.

  10. Beautiful photos, have lots more ice than we got a few weeks ago. It is so pretty, but can be so harmful to trees.
    Love the ones of the eagle...I saw one in flight a few weeks ago. There is one that hangs around the same area. This is the second time I have seen it this winter. Wish we had half as many as you have in your area.
    Have a wonderful upcoming week.

  11. Ice storms create some beautiful photos, but they are troublesome!

  12. The trees behind us at the Bellingham condo were encased with ice yesterday. Even when the temperatures rose the ice remained. I've never that before around here. - Margy

  13. What beautiful pictures and very clever to catch that eagle.

  14. My father was an excellent photographer and often gave slide show/talks. One of my favorites was "The faces and Phases of Water". His ice pictures were beautiful and yours remind me of them. Thanks


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