
Monday, January 9, 2017

Winter Visitors

Since we've had snow on the ground - we've had some interesting winter visitors to the feeders
 A few Varied Thrushes (related to the Robin, which is also a Thrush) have been constant visitors to the feeders.  They hang around all day and pose nicely for photos.
 Their sweet flute-like song is so welcome in the cold winter.

They even share the feeder now and then with a Junco.

I'd Rather B Birdin'
Wandering Camera  a new link party - lots of fun posts.


  1. I can never manage to photograph birds, they don't pose for me the way yours have for you! Love mosaic of circles, very different.
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

  2. Your bird photos are brilliant! Our Robins are very different in England!

  3. They sure have pretty soft colors. We have dozens of birds at our feeders right now. Think we have some that have flown South escaping the cold temps! Take care and enjoy your day my friend. Hugs, Diane

  4. Hi JoAnn, I love all your bird photos. I have never seen one of these robin relations before. So Pretty. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  5. These are my kind of winter visitors. Your photos are gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing, and Happy New Year. :)

  6. That's a fun mosaic!

  7. All lovely winter birds ( I miss my bird feeders which we can't have in either of our little houses) ..... my favorite is the last one of them sharing the feeder, I always loved when that happened.

  8. Our thrushes don't show up until spring. Great pictures.

  9. Hi, JoAnn. I always enjoy good bird photos and it is interesting to see the variety of birds across the country, compared to what we have here in Colorado. We do have juncos, but not this thrush. Here the juncos are mostly ground feeders, but I have seen them at the suet cakes. Love the barn collective, too, and what a beautiful Christmas table you set. Love the doll children. I am wondering, do you sew all of their clothes? I'll be making a dress for our DAR chapter. I want to start it this week. I'll no doubt blog about it so that you can see. Hope you are warm and cozy up north.Happy New Year/

  10. Gorgeous images. I love bird song ... makes me smile. Happy New Year!

  11. You silly I was just taking pics of the very same bird---well maybe not the very same bird but we are have varied thrush here too.

  12. Hello, the Varied Thrush is a gorgeous bird. I love it's colors and marking. Awesome sighting and photos. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing this post. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  13. Your feeder is a great hangout. I'd be inclined to watch for hours. These are nice shots. Now that I know what it looks like I've got to look for these pretty birds.

  14. Beautiful pictures! The other day I saw the most perfect cardinal at our feeder - vivid red. If I had your camera skills, I'd have a lovely picture, too!

  15. We see the juncos, but the thrushes are not so common. Great photos, JoAnn.

  16. How jealous am I? Two birds I've not seen in my area of Texas. And such beautiful images you've captured.

    Thank you so much for adding and sharing this post with us birders at I'd Rather B Birdin' this week!!!

  17. JoAnn, it's been very cold here! We actually got snow on Tuesday morning -- higher elevations have gotten it several times since Christmas and it hasn't melted. Though we've had sun the last couple of days it hasn't gotten much above freezing in the sun and the minute the sun goes down the temperature drops like a rock. Right now it's 23 degrees. This morning I found myself humming "California Dreamin'" without before I even thought about why.

  18. Oh my, what gorgeous birds are your Thrush; such pretty colours. I'd hang out at that pretty feeder too if I was a bird. Beautiful photos, JoAnn.

  19. Great bird photos. I always enjoy the bird photos that bloggers share, especially of the species that we don't have here, such this thrush, though we do see thrushes rarely. We have plenty of juncos, usually ground feeders underneath our pine trees. I can tell that they are really hungry when they go to the feeders.

  20. Awww! What sweet little visitors! I'm sure their song brightens your winter days.

  21. Beautiful photos! I've never seen a varied thrush. What a beauty!
    Thanks for sharing.

  22. Beautiful photos! I've never seen a varied thrush. What a beauty!
    Thanks for sharing.

  23. Lovely photographs, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  24. It's been a long time since I've seen a Thrush at the cabin, but I often hear them back in the forest. - Margy

  25. How lovely for them to come visit you!! They are beautiful!

    Thank you so much for linking up on Wandering Camera!


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