
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Wednesday Wee Ones

We've had some snow - brrrr it has been cold - so we all got dressed up in our winter clothes.
 Abby keeps her rain coat and rain hat handy - snow often turns to rain here in NW Washington State.  Poppy and Kyla are ready for some winter fun - and look who is joining them - their new sister, Samantha.  She was a christmas gift from our Auntie Lori - Samantha hasn't seen snow before so she is very excited.

 Sally Jo and Donnie like the snow a lot.
 OH nooooooooo - the snow  is so slippery - everyone better go indoors and get warmed up.
 Poppy will make us some warm cookies - or cakes - or pies, with the new christmas gift baking set.

 Poppy is a very good baker!

 A good shopping list.
 Tarts would be good Miss Poppy - we like apple tarts best.

 Kyla likes her boots and red leggings.
 Abby has a plaid blouse and blue leggins - and good sturdy black boots
 Sally Jo like to dress up in her fancy winter outfit
 And Samantha loves her nautical outfit - complete with a ship's whistle.

 Donnie is a tough Pacific Northwester - he wears his flannel shorts and crocs all year 'round.
 Well, look here - another gift from our Auntie Jamie in West Virginia - a piano - let's all sing some songs to warm up after playing in the snow.
Donnie will play some songs for us on our new piano
 Hot chocolate is ready - who wants some hot chocolate?
 I think everyone wants some hot chocolate - it is perfect for these winter days.  And the tea set is from our Auntie Jamie too.  She finds the very best gifts.  There are some new spring clothes from Auntie Jamie that we can't wait to try on when the weather warms up.

  Diane has some christmas fun with her dolls at Little Jo's Doll Party.

Do you have a doll blog?  We'd love to share.


  1. Oh my, how stylish they are in their cute winter outfits! And look at that little baking set! Is it new or a vintage find? My dollies will be right over for hot cocoa. Sweet dollie hugs, Diane

  2. That white knit cape and beret are spectacular!

  3. I wondered if you made their clothes...I was thinking you did but now I don't know if it was something you said or I just assumed you did. LOL

  4. JoAnn, you amaze me with your collections of collections. You sure have assembled an array of interesting things. Thanks so much for sharing your treasures with us. I hope to see you back again.

  5. Your little princes and princesses look so cute in their winter outfits. I love the baking set and my dollies are happy to see that their friends share the same tea set.
    Have fun!

  6. First, I must say that all of the kids look wonderful in their winter finery. I love the crocheted shawl on the lovely Samantha doll. Samantha is just stunning in her nautical outfit. I do hope the kids thanked Auntie Lori profusely for their new sister. How fun that she got to play in the snow with her new siblings. Poppy looks very trendy in her knit hat and red plaid skirt. I love Kyla's coat, and her red tights make a great contrast to beige color of her coat. Did you make Abby's raincoat? I have been wanting to try to make raincoats for some of my dolls. I have a pattern that I would like to try out, maybe I will this spring.

    Sally Jo and Donnie looked like they were really enjoying the snow until they took their tumble on the ice. It is a good thing that they had that terrific new bake set to make cookies with. Hot chocolate and warm cookies, what could be better after coming in from the cold? Love the piano too.

    Have a great day.... Hugs, Candy

  7. Oh how chic your wee ones look. All the outfits are gorgeous. I love the new baking set and the grocery list, board is priceless! Poppy will cook up a storm using those sweet utensils. I hope Samantha has fitted into her new home; she looks as if she has. I hope she doesn't mind those wintry, frigid conditions too much.

  8. Love your blog post :-) Do you make doll clothing too? I am into the Disney Animator dolls... and I am currently working on making some pirate outfits for my dolls :-)

  9. We came to Bellingham to watch some WWU women's basketball and I woke up to snow this morning. Probably won't last long on the ground though, it's already warming up. - Margy


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