
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Christmas Day

Time to set the table for Christmas dinner.  New dishes this year - this year's version of the Better Homes and Gardens holiday dishes.  
 Plates and serving dishes have holly, mistletoe and evergreen boughs
 Napkins folded to form a Christmas tree
 The salad plates are different each year - I have some from two different years now.  It is nice to have the variety of designs on the salad plates.
 A hand crocheted tablecloth over a bright red undercloth.
 This was Don's favorite!

 The children's table was set with the same dishes and a red checked tablecloth with snowflakes.
The centerpiece is from 1969.  I had joined a Craft-of-the-Month club - each month (for the  outrageous price of between $2.95 and $4.95, you received in the mail a craft kit on approval).  If you didn't like the kit you could send it back in a postage paid package and pay nothing - if you liked it you would keep it and pay the fee for that month.  The little flocked mouse in the lantern chimney was the December 1969 kit and was $4.95.  I adored it.  The ribbons have been replaced a few times, but the mouse and the lantern chimney are the originals.  This year I put it on an aluminum platter with handles, added gold mini ornaments and glittered mini pine cones.  It is still a family favorite.
And then the Christmas tree - the presents were passed around and opened - everyone oohed and aahed at the wonderful, thoughtful gifts they received - it was a terrific Christmas.


  1. Hello, pretty tablescape and dishes! Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  2. I am so glad you had a good Christmas JoAnn. I must say that your table settings are wonderful.

  3. So enjoying sharing your tablescapes and such. Partial to the bunny on the salad plate, and the car taking the tree home is next fave.
    xo, m & jb

  4. Oh what a glorious Christmas, celebratory table, JoAnn. Those plates are all the different designs. Such a beautiful tree shimmering with prettiness. The centrepiece is lovely. Have the most wonderful new year, lovely JoAnn!

  5. Beautiful table...I like it all!

  6. A set of dishes for every occasion! Stunning.

  7. Glad you are back and look at all I missed. Always love your table settings---and the food my gosh I hope you have plenty of visitors. I have nothing to compare with what you do---not even in my memories. That makes you pretty special.
    I love the Hummers and am glad we can accommodate them this winter. As for Mt. Rainier it is a joy to see from the deck when she is out. That is from my house and I spend a lot of time at Bob's house which seems much closer to Baker so I can enjoy both wonderful mountains.
    I have noticed bigger flocks of Swan this year too and fewer flocks of Snow geese. I wonder what is up. Maybe they stayed south of Stanwood this year.
    13 degrees here this morning---Brrrr!

  8. Oh I meant to comment on your craft a month or whatever it is/was. I belong to that also. What fun for a stay at home mom. I still have a couple of things I made. now I have to go find them.

  9. "A terrific Christmas" - says it all!
    Your dishes and table were so lovely Jo-Ann - I know everyone had a wonderful time.

    I'm reading your book at last (don't forget to cash the check - which I think you've not done!) and it's wonderful.
    Yesterday we met a lovely lady working at the local Pottery Barn shop - she also lived in Alaska for 15 years, and was also from northern California - now settled here in NC and loving it. I think all the women who have lived in Alaska must be lovely and so interesting to chat with. . . . .she is mom to 10 children and looked fantastic! Must be something in the water up there in the cold north, haha!

    Happy New Year to you all.
    Hugs - Mary

  10. I love your crafty vintage centerpiece. It suits your table and the Christmas spirit perfectly! I do adore those BH&G Winter/Christmas plates. I am torn on my favorite plate, the deer and rabbit plates are so sweet but now I am eying up the old woody station wagon with the tree on top. Happy New Year dear friend..... Hugs Candy

    PS: The dolls, my sewing machine and material are finally back in the house (just in time it would seem now that the bitter cold has arrived here in Ohio, I was afraid the dolls would get frostbite in that cold garage.) Brrrr. They were exiled to the garage when I had to make room for my brother last September. Brother dearest moved into his new home a couple of days ago.

  11. Absolutely beautifully, Jo Ann. A lot of care and thought and creativity went into that table.

  12. What a beautiful Christmas you had! Everything is so homey and warm and inviting. Beautiful dishes and very clever Christmas tree napkins set a lovely table!
    I can just picture everyone nestling about the tree - in that wonderful lighting - and enjoying the love that is Christmas!
    And I do remember the days of craft kits for reasonable prices and the fun of putting them together and keeping them for years!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!