Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Barns Again

Barns in our area - I seem to find more barns to photograph whenever we go for a drive - many family farms are now being sold - some to big farm conglomerates - some to families that want to live in the country but don't want to farm.

 This one is  in good condition and still in use.
 This one has been long forgotten and recently hundreds of acres surrounding it has been planted to massive blueberry fields.  The little red twigs in the foreground are a portion of those blueberry plants - they turn red just before they burst into flower for the new crop of berries.
 Near Hamilton/Lyman, WA - perhaps used for storage but not for farming any longer.
 Fairly new paint - windows in good condition - the apple tree will soon be blooming.
 Can't decide - used or unused?
 Goodbye old barn!
 Another goodbye.

On an unsually clear day - the Canadian mountains, covered in snow and visible behind a large farm.  We don't often see the Canadian mountains so clearly.


Tom said...

Hi JoAnn, what a great barn collection you have for us today. The one now surrounded by blueberries is wonderful. I appreciate that you stopped by and I hope to see you back again.

Kim said...

.....and yet 'she' still finds more wonderful barns. It must be a treat to drive around in your little corner of the world and discover such amazing barns. I rather like the old, forgotten ones. Their ramshackle condition and 'dilapdated-ness' rather appeals to me. Gorgeous view of the Canadian mountains; just like a postcard. Have the most wonderful week, lovely JoAnn!

Amy at love made my home said...

I especially like the newish one with the apple tree!

Lea said...

A wonderful series of photos!
My favorite is the third one
Have a great week!

Michelle said...

You really found some beauties! I always love the older barns.

Rose said...

Oh, sure got some beauties this time...and love the mountians in that last shot.

Lorrie said...

Wonderful barns. I like the old barns and wonder what their stories are. How great to see those Canadian mountains from your side of the border.

Julie Fukuda said...

Our buildings at camp are like many of those old barns, built during the war with corrugated rusty metal roofs. I am surprised they have held up against typhoons as long as they have. The craft room has more leaks every year.

Candy S said...

It's sad to watch as so many of the old barns fall into disrepair. We had a huge old barn next to the entry to our development. She was a real beauty once upon a time. Many times as I left for work in the morning I would see the moon setting directly over the beautiful slate roof of that old barn. It did ultimately collapse (the property the barn was on was in foreclosure).

In the summer I buy tomatoes at a small farm a mile or so from our home. The young couple that live there not only restored the beautiful old farmhouse they live in but they have also moved several old barns piece by piece and reconstructed them on their farm.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, awesome series. I just love the barns with the mountain views. Gorgeous. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

HappyK said...

Wonderful collection of barns!!
The snow covered mountains are spectacular.

J said...

I was happy to read that blueberries will dot the acreage of that farm instead of dozens of cookie cutter houses!

Powell River Books said...

Driving south from Vancouver there are lots of blueberry fields. They are such a pretty rusty colour. My two plants that I bought last year have buds ready for spring. I did a bit of pruning, but they are so small still I hated to take off too much. One has nice large berries, the other smaller ones but they taste the best. - Margy