
Monday, November 21, 2016

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

Lots on the list

Thaw the turkey
Bake pies
Set the table
Polish the Silver

Wait - don't polish the silver - use magic!!!

I love silver - sterling or silverplate - I love them both.  I have some lovely pieces - but I don't like to polish silver.  The old fashioned silver polish is toxic and I don't like the smell or the harshness - or rinsing it down the sink.

But I love silver - so what's a girl to do?

Magic, I tell you - plain and simple magic
Line a glass baking dish with aluminum foil - (in the sink is best) making sure it goes up the sides and ends of the pan. 
 Lay the silver pieces in it that need polishing and pour boiling water over it all - to cover the pieces.
Now the magic - add 1/4 cup baking soda - just plain old baking soda from your cupboard.

Stand back and watch the magic!!!!!
Tiny bubbles appear - and the shine begins to return to the silver.
As the pieces become shiny once again I pluck them out of the hot water with a pair of tweezers or a pair of tongs (they are hot from being in the boiling water).  Rinse with cold water and wipe dry with a clean cloth.
If there are a few stubborn spots make a paste of a small amount of baking soda and water - rub the spots and they will disappear.  

Magic - I tell you - total magic. 

And look what you get!!!
 You start with tarnished silver
Your reward for a few minutes of easy work is a nice pile of very shiny silver
 Top - Before    Bottom - After
 Ready for the table.
 I didn't think to take a before picture of this little sugar/jam spoon - it was almost totally black when I started - now it is happy and shiny
A favorite serving spoon - tarnished
 And now shiny bright - a little extra rubbing was required on the flowery part of the handle - but only a little.

 Oh - the poor "before" meat fork
 Two big serving spoons - dark and dingy 
 Before and After
 Another favorite serving spoon - rescued with magic
 Handle of the Pie Server 
 It was sad before
But was a good pie server
 Shiny and pretty now - ready for Thanksgiving pies - what kind shall we make?

 Lovely, lovely - and all done with magic.  This took me about an hour total to clean all the silverware - and everything is eco friendly.  Let's go set the table.


  1. Who doesn't like magic? Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Hi Jo Ann, from dark and dingy to bright and shiny using a method probably invented by our grandmothers, that's what I call magic.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  3. You always set such a beautiful table! I can't wait to see the dishes you use this holiday. Take lots of pics and enjoy your week! Sweet hugs, your buddy Diane

  4. I love magic and helpful hints! Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Good magic. How I hated to polish the silver as a child. So toxic too. You have a good idea and I only have a few pieces of silver left.

    PS. I like your header---Saw bunches of Trumpeter Swan the other day. So beautiful---but the Snow Geese are munching elsewhere

  6. Lovely magic. I really need to try this trick soon! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  7. Silver, newly polished as yours is, adds such wonderful character to a special table. Great trick!

  8. How lucky I am to have a magician for a friend. Thanks for the trick and thanks for being my friend.

  9. Wow! Thank you so much! I have silverware from my grandma that I would love to use but just couldn't move ahead due to the polishing I envisioned! This is amazing and I am so grateful! Happy Thanksgiving, JoAnn!

  10. That magic is new to me. There are so many things baking soda can do. - Margy


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