
Friday, July 8, 2016


Mountains in Canada - we can see these when we are just a few miles north of our home. The border is about halfway between the trees and the mountains.  We don't often get days this clear.
Mt. Baker to the left - TheSisters to the right - Vetch growing along the fence.
A newly sprouted corn field in front of mountains
Our majestic Mt. Baker - locally it is just referred to as "the mountain"

Wearing a small lenticular cloud, which is an altocumulus cloud that forms atop - or above the top of a mountain when conditions are right.  Margy tells me that a lenticular cloud means rough flying weather and they avoid them when flying their small plane.  Thanks for the information Margy.
The cloud grows bigger as the winds increase.


  1. Hello JoAnn, gorgeous views of the mountains and scenery. You do live in a pretty area. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Gorgeous scenery! You have captured the snowcapped mountains beautifully, JoAnn. Just seeing them makes me feel a little cooler! It has been hot and humid, with the promise of lots more to come in the next couple of weeks.

  3. What fabulous scenery, the mountains are just grand!

    All the best Jan

  4. You see us and we see you! I see Mt Baker every morning when the clouds allow - a gorgeous big presence on the skyline.

  5. From the bright palette of your flowered header to the icy blue of "the mountain," your site is a feast for the eyes! Such lovely photos!

  6. The mountains look so beautiful with snow. Mt Fuji is seldom seen during the summer, even when you are in the neighbourhood. No snow now but purple against the evening sky ... glimpsed from a crossing bridge or train window makes one take notice no matter how many times one has seen it in the past.

  7. Oh so lovely. I like the idea of calling it the mountain. We always referred to the valley below our childhood home as THE valley. Interesting about the clouds.

  8. Beautiful mountain shots. We can see Canadian mountains across the Strait of Juan de Fuca on very, very clear days...not often.
    Love the flowers in your header!

  9. Mount Baker looks beautiful, you're fortunate to live near such wonderful scenery.


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