
Saturday, July 23, 2016


Recently we had a little vacation in British Columbia, Canada.  We live only 20 miles south of  the Canadian border - so vacationing there is quite simple.  Touring around the Fraser Valley  we enjoyed the farms.  Though not much different than the barns in our part of Washington state, we found the farms to be quite large in some areas.

Some of the barns are similar in shape to our barns
 Often with silos no longer in use also.
 The barn and twin silos were right beside and almost underneath a freeway bridge - a hard shot to get at 110 km an hour (good thing our speedometer is marked in both miles and kilometers)
 What captured my eye was the old wooden silo roofs - and the way they were joined together.
 Majestic mountains tower above a small red barn
 Captured in a drive by - third time was a charm - I'm glad we went that way so many times.
More next week - we had  a good tour of the farming area.


  1. JoAnn, the mountains are a wonderful backdrop for your barn collection. A much different look and feel than would I see in this area. I see old wooden silo roofs here once in a while. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you again.

  2. New barns Yay! Can't wait for the next series.

  3. Don't we live in a beautiful part of our world? I will be taking the ferry later today to spend the week working in the Fraser Valley, seeing this lovely scenery every day. I never tire of it.

  4. Hello JoAnn! My barns are from British Columbia, too. You captured some great ones from the road. Those roofs on the silos are very interesting. Wonderful backdrops!

  5. Just beautiful! Very similar to your the pictures from your own area - everything sheltered by a majestic mountain.

  6. A beautiful series of barn photos!
    My favorite is the small red barn with the mountains behind it.

  7. Growing up in the mid-west, barns were so ordinary I can't think of noticing them. I do recall that on our trips to Minnesota from Ohio, we counted windmills. There were so many and each team took one side of the road to see who could find the most.

  8. What great shots especially while stil in motion in the car! I don't think I've ever seen wooden siloh tops. That really is unique. I love old barns and feel sad that so many are abandoned and falling apart now. I wish people would find a way to preserve more of them.

  9. My parents and siblings live in that valley, and those barns look familiar to me, along with the mountains towering over them. Such a picturesque drive.

  10. I'd love to see the Fraser Valley. It's pretty! Lucky you!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!