
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Barn and Horses

Two beautiful silos
And three horses peacefully grazing
And interesting small barn - looks like it hasn'tbeen used lately.

                     The Barn Collective


  1. Horses in the foreground of a barn picture is a winner! I love the sight of silos in the rural landscape. Thanks JoAnn for sharing this week I hope to see more of your barns in the future.

  2. I always love to drive by and see horses in a field!

  3. Good pics. Yes, the barn doesn't look to have been used for a while. Beautiful horses.

  4. Always glad to see horses grazing!
    Such a happy scene!

  5. Hello, pretty farm scene. I like the barn silos and the pretty horses. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  6. Beautiful shots of the barns and horses.

  7. As you know I love horses. We've been up at the cabin a lot so I haven't been able to use the Internet. I'll try to catch up quick. - Margy

  8. Ah, peace! Something I'm basking in after a hearty week of Grandma Camp with 8 kiddoes under the age of 7 running in and out of my house! Loved every second, but truthfully? Had I had a chance to hide in one of these barns for an hour every now and then? I'd have been there when you took these pictures!

  9. JoAnn, I missed this post. I sure love your photos..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  10. Nice shots! We don't see too many silos around here. Yours look to be in pretty good condition...and that barn doesn't seem to share the care.

  11. I am so sorry to be a week late commenting but we have had workmen demolishing the dining room and kitchen floors. What a mess! I am finally getting to my computer.I love the second shot with the horses grazing between the smaller structure and the silo. It is such a lovely rural scene. genie

  12. Can't lose with with horses and barns. Great shot


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