
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Sheep In Springtime

Some sheep in a lovely green pasture - spring in NW Washington - green everywhere

I love sheep in the springtime.


  1. That last sheep has interesting colouring on its face. They have plenty of lush grass to eat.

  2. I was out yesterday and saw similar scenes. Nice to see!

  3. Looks, smells and feels like a fresh, warm burst of SPRING! Easter was so early this year that I sometimes feel like I missed it!

  4. I always love to see sheep in a pasture. Often wish we had some on our farm.

  5. What wonderful photos! And the grass is already so high. I love this time of year. We saw a family of baby ducks this afternoon at the park. I love getting outside with my camera, just like you! Enjoy your afternoon my friend. Sweet hugs, Diane and Wendy

  6. Oh Jo, so happy to see your camera gives you joy! Love the sheep, did they gambol? haha, apparently, when sheep run that is what it is called.

  7. Hello, great shots. I love the sheep anytime. They are so cute. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  8. They look happy in the lush green grass. Interesting fence, too.

  9. I really thought I'd commented here already?

    Just wanted to say - lovely photo's, the sheep look so happy too!

    All the best Jan

  10. What a pretty scene! I love the little face in your last shot!

  11. JoAnn, those are the kind of pictures that I love to frame and hang on my walls. Sheep are such a beautiful subject..Happy week to you..xxo Judy

  12. JoAnn, The sheep look curious too. :) I loved your previous post. That pillow is so pretty. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  13. About sheering time for those little guys and gals.


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