
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Some Birds on a Day Out

First - let me say I've missed all of your comments while I was on another little blog break and have been looking forward to seeing you again. I'm shocked and surprised at how many of 
my followers have fallen away in those few weeks.  
I hope some of you come back - I've missed you.
And now to our regularly scheduled blog post.  Enjoy

Nature brings us such happiness 
 surprises at every turn
 A Canada Goose family at a nearby pond

 Clover is so tasty
 Look way down yonder at 
that tree right in the middle
Zoom in -  a Bald Eagle - and on the top of the tree - an angry crow
 Look closely, the crow is flying at the eagle - squacking and pecking - the eagle seems to be ignoring the crow
Crow stops in mid-air and begins its return attack
Two eagles were too much for the crow 
Nearby a Red Wing Blackbird 
enjoys the sunny day 

And an Osprey flies over - scanning for lunch

Do you have a favorite bird to photograph?


  1. Hello, the gosling are cute. They are growing fast too. I love the eagles, always an awesome sight to see.
    Great photos and post, nice to see you back. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and week ahead!

  2. I just like to photograph about any bird. Of course the Eagles are always a joy to see. Good to hear from you again.

  3. Great photos, JoAnn...wonder if the crow had a nest that she was afraid the baldies would invade?
    This is gross, but when I see Canadian geese, as beautiful as they are, all I can think of is how much they poop!
    Have a great week.

  4. Lovely photos of birds especially the young Canada Geese. Like you I've come back to blogging after quite a long break and have discovered that some of my followers have disappeared.

  5. It's been hard for me to keep up with blog reading and comments since we've been at the cabin a lot more. If you don't hear from me for a while you know it's I'm up the lake. I went to Cozy Books in Ferndale and saw your books on the shelf. Hope the switch works out for Chris. - Margy

  6. When we lived in a wooded neighborhood, there were many crows that hung out in the trees at night and even built big messy nests in those trees. One morning, just at dawn, I returned from rice patrol to hear a mob of crows carrying on in my own back yard. Suddenly there was a thump on my sliding door and when I slid it open to see what it was, a small owl turned its head to stare at me. It had been mobbed by the crows but I scared them off so it could escape.
    Crows often mob the competition and beware when their own chicks are fledging because they will dive-bomb any person who gets to near that chick. My daughter-in-law takes magnificent bird pictures. I love owls but water birds are the most cooperative ... trees don't get in the way so much, and there is always a great variety of species and activity ... and sometimes lovely reflections.
    The common kingfisher is like a flying jewel and has a huge fan club of photographers wherever it can be found.

  7. Maybe the crow had a nest? Otherwise, I don't know why she would take on the eagles!

  8. It is lovely to have you back and see what lovely photos you have been capturing. As always, wonderful photos, JoAnn.

  9. I'm oooohhhing and aaaahhhhing over those baby geese! HOW SWEET! Hugs!

  10. Hi JoAnn! I have missed a few posts but only because we went on a 10 day vacation and I like to stay off-line during those breaks! I love your photo journey on the eagle-crow confrontation. The stoicism of the eagles is very statesmanlike. That explains why they are a suitable national symbol for us!

  11. Lucky you! I saw a crow/eagle scene very similar to the one you captured...on a day when I didn't have a camera. Drat!
    I'm finding I enjoy all sorts of birds. I recently caught a goldfinch perched on my window sill and caught a woodpecker shot when we were at Sun Lakes State Park a week or two ago.

  12. oH MY Gosh babies.. Something got our goose eggs darn it. Those guys aren't very little are they but they're cute.


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!