
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mosaic Monday

This week let's look at flowers through the spring and summer - grouped by colors.

                           Mosaic Monday

Monday, April 11, 2016

Tuesday's Treasures

Some lovely vintage treasures
Roses on a dessert set of berry bowls, with a big serving bowl. with just a little touch of gold.
 I have a lot of pretty, old silverware, I found the spoon holder in California, long ago,  The dragonfly and butterfly are from my daughter-in-law, Jamie, she's as sweet as the berry bowls, sweeter even!!
The delicate scalloped edges make 
these bowls even prettier

 Flowers, spoons, pretty dishes
 Vintage napkins and a pretty tablecloth from Ebay
Would you like a bowl of fresh berries, right from the fields in Washington?  Stop by anytime.

Mosaic Monday - Flowers

Spring has really taken over - in just a few days it seems that new flowers are blooming and everywhere you look there are new flowers to see.
 Tulips, tulips, tulips - it is tulip festival time.  Thousands will come to view the massive fields of commercially grown tulips.

 Fields and fields of dandelions
 Cheerful, sunny flowers fill fields 
and yards with sunshine

And they turn to fields of wishes to enchant children of all ages.
 Wild Phlox is blooming alongside the roads - wafting sweetness as you pass by.
 Thimbleberries grow wild
 Golden Chain trees - a very popular landscaping shrub - and they escape and grow wild too
 Elderberries burst into bloom this week - time for Elderberry flower fritters
And the lilacs - oh the lilacs!
 The best of the best

 Fields fill wild mustard every spring
Spring is glorious in NW Washington state.  Can you smell it? Add to that the fresh mown lawns and you have heaven.  Happy Spring!!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Barns Near LaConner, WA

Some great barns and scenery through the year.  Most of these barns are outside the city of LaConner, WA 
Looks like this barn is playing peek-a-boo.

A wreath on a barn - this barn has been converted into a gym and other activity spaces.

Near the barn, very old tree with a country seat.  Spring and summer must be wonderful here.
Though I would turn that chair to the 
side for a view of Mt. Baker
A clever mailbox, perfect for a farm.

Further down the road - a sweet tree house
And more mountains!
A new barn - with a very modern home behind.
Back to more a more traditional barnyard.
A lovely old chicken house that has been converted - think of all the wonderful 
things you might do in this space.

A very old school building - built in the early 1860s - sadly now left to the elements.  It sits next to an home, built in 1901, on private land - they have kept up the yard surrounding the school - but the building should be restored because of its history.

In 1977 there was an effort to raise money and restore the school - but only a few things were fixed and the plan never was completed.  It was the first school in Skagit County and has an interesting history.  For more info - here is a very interesting blog- Sun Breaks .
Pleasant Ridge - No. 14 - even the sign shows its age.  I'm not sure why the sign says No. 14 - unless later the building was used for the Grange.  Since it was the first school in the county, the No. 14 is puzzling.