
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday Wee Ones

Happy Hoppy Easter - we are all decked out and ready for an Easter Parade.
 We're having our pictures done today in the garden - at the end it rained really hard and we had to scamper indoors.
 We liked Diane's dolls with flowers in their hair and we wanted some too
 Abbey has  pretty dress with rick rack and a shoulder bag to match

 Donnie brought you a pretty bouquet of flowers
 An Easter Egg Hunt is such fun - shall we pet the bunny?
 Poppy's Bubble dress has a matching bag

 Sallie Jo also has a Bubble Dress - and a bag with bunnies.

Happy Hoppy Easter - do you have some pretty dress-up clothes too?

And more fun with dolls


  1. Oh you've found some very pretty fabric for Spring clothes. Donnie looks very sweet and the girls look cute with flowers in their hair. I'm glad the weather cooperated for the photo shoot. You've been busy my friend. I need to get back to the sewing machine and create some new fashions! Happy Spring sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  2. Why can't Donnie have a floral crown too?

  3. Hi JoAnn, I love all those sweet dresses...makes me wish my girls were little again. I like the flowers too. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. Such beautiful babes! I love the bubble dress and the flowers in the hair! Very pretty setting - may the sun shine brightly on your family Easter party!

  5. Hello JoAnn! Your little ones look really good in their flowery outfits and with flowers in their hair. They look like they are ready to have tones of fun.
    Take good care of yourself,

  6. I was in a store this week and walked past the the girls clothing section. They had all the cute Easter dresses out, but none were as cute as the ones you made for your dolls. - Margy

  7. They look so lovely ...

    All the best Jan

  8. JoAnn, You really have outdone yourself!!! The kids look amazing in their Easter Outfits. As always Abbey has stolen my heart away again. She is so pretty! It must be the flowers in their hair that is making Abbey, Poppy, and Sallie Jo sparkle! Donnie is looking rather spring like in his new shirt and pants too. I do love Sallie Jo's dress. The bunny fabric is so cute.

  9. Wow! You must spend a lot of time sewing! These girls and boys have more dress ups than I do! They all look very, very cute for Easter!

  10. Oh how pretty Poppy, Sallie Jo and Abbey look with pretty blossoms in their hair. Sallie Jo's bubble dress; such cute fabric. Oh, and Donnie looks pretty swell as well. =)


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