
Monday, February 8, 2016

Grandson Fun

Our grandson Ben was visiting one day last week and we decided to do a science experiment.  We named it "walking water".

Fist we set out seven glasses - four with colored water - red, yellow, blue and another red, and three empty.  Next - folded paper towels into 2 inch strips, folded in half and cut just a bit taller than the glasses.  Paper towels were placed into the cups - connecting each two cups all along the way.
We checked them about every half hour - the water began to rise up the paper towels from the filled glasses - going towards the empty glasses.

Another half hour and the water has traveled along the paper towels

After about an hour and a half you could begin to see the mixed colors in the previously empty glasses - glass 2 is orange - glass 4 is green - glass 6 is purple.  The water has walked to the next glasses and mixed colors.
Moving the glasses into a circle we can see the result or our experiment.  The two red glasses are next to each other when we circled them around.  It was a fun day.


  1. Dar JoAnn:
    What great fun this would be for kids and they would learn a lot! Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  2. That looks like fun even for an adult. I'll bet my granddaughter would have fun with it too.

  3. You and your grandson look like you had oodles of fun. Such a great experiment. I love the photos. Just visiting from Bernideen's party.

  4. I think this was wonderful fun for a child but I think it would be fun for an adult too! Thanks for sharing.

  5. This is sooo cool! I would never have thought of anything like this.

  6. This is very cool! I remember mixing crayons or paint together to make purple and green. The kids would really enjoy this. Thanks so much for sharing.


  7. What a fun experiment and learning experience. - Margy

  8. What a great experiment! How lucky you were to have a chance to witness and record it!


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