
Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Barn Collective

The big barn out in the back seems to have been converted into living space.  That is rare in this area
Usually the barns are left to return to the earth
But still some are cared for and in use
A quick drive-by shot of one of my favorite old barns

Almost hidden by a tree nursery plot.  This is a common use for old farms in this area. Native plants are raised on plots and then sold to property owners to refurbish areas that once were farms but now are being returned to nature as wildlife habitats.  There are  no taxes on the land that is replanted.
View from the other side of the barn - the small car shed is keeping a boat covered.
The blackberry bushes are beginning to reclaim this unused barn


  1. Another awesome collection of old barns. I really like the one converted to living space...wouldn't it be nice to have a home that large...think of all the dishes we could fit in that!
    I love those little wooden birds in your header.
    Merry Christmas, JoAnn!

  2. Oops...we have some barns in disrepair and then we have some beauties. It looks like people are working on that next to last one. #2 and #5 are my favorites. They remind me of so many I see around my house.

  3. Perfect post for old barns. I once took the long way home from Roseburg, traveling the back roads and I discovered a round barn. I didn't have a camera with me so no physical picture but, I still carry the mental picture. Looked for it several times...never found it again. Best ~ Mickie

  4. WOW, what a collection you have this week to share JoAnn. I hope that you have saved some for next week. Have a Merry Christmas and I hope to see you soon.

  5. You sure see a lot of big beautiful barns in your area! I always thought I would love to travel the US just to take barn photos...and put them in a book! heehee! of these days maybe! Enjoy your evening! Lots of hugs, Diane

  6. Oh, JoAnn, I really enjoy your barns...I could handle living in that big barn, but not sure I could afford the heat and the cooling...LOL

  7. JoAnn, you have a lot of really interesting barns out there!

  8. I felt kind of badly when you mentioned that some barns are just left to "return to the earth." But, I guess that's better than just tearing them down. Making them into living space is the best option, but that's not always practical if the structure is weak, or there's no way to drop the ceiling and reduce the amount of energy required to heat and cool it.

  9. I've gotten behind! (We went to Seattle for a couple of days - SO glad to be home!) We have a nice sized shot building but it breaks my heart to see these huge old barns going to ruin!


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