Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Monday, November 2, 2015

Mosaic Monday - Halloween Dinner

Our son was here for a few days on a quick trip from West Virginia so on Friday we had a family dinner - and celebrated Halloween at the same time.  I got to use lots of my favorite Autumn dishes.
I found the tablecloth at Goodwill a few years ago - and two matching napkins.  

  I learned that their policy is to split things up - the tablecloth and a few napkins at one Goodwill, and ship the rest of the napkins to another Goodwill that is fairly close - our closest one is about 20 miles away.  They think that if they do that (with flatware too and sets of glasses) that people will travel to the other Goodwills within 50 or 60 miles to find the matching items) - I don't think so!!! 
 I used cabbage plates and flower plates in Autumn colors on top of the white chargers - which have embossed fruit on the edges.

 The two different individual pumpkin soup tureens were finds this summer.

 Don found the lidded pumpkin at a yard sale for 50 cents
 Since I didn't have enough of the matching napkins I used some leaf print ones that I made two years ago.
 Metal Crow napkin rings went around the bamboo flatware.

And yesterday we were at Goodwill and I found this darling pumpkin teapot - with the scarecrow handle.  It was 75% off - just couldn't resist.  It will be perfect for Thanksgiving too.

Collages are made on and


eileeninmd said...

Hello, I like your Autumn tablescape. The dishes and napkins and napkin rings are cute! I know you were happy to have your son visiting. Great images and mosaics. Have a happy new week!

J said...

What a visual feast! Your tablecloth really sets everything off! The little pumpkins are perfect and I'd have snapped up those crow napkin rings in a hurry myself! Just such a happy, warm and cozy setting!
I can't figure out the Goodwill policy though! Just seems crazy!

Latane Barton said...

That table looks like a layout for a magazine shoot. I love it. You are so clever.

Donna said...

That is a magnificent is perfect for the could win an award for this wonderful creation.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You have such pretty things for every holiday. I love those crow napkin rings and it's fun to mix and match. I 'need' to go to the thrift store...maybe tomorrow! Sweet hugs to you my friend, Diane

Powell River Books said...

You have so many cute things. Love the pumpkin soup tureens. Kind of reminds me of one of the first meals made for me when we were dating. It was Halloween time and he made beef stew served inside a real pumpkin. It was supposed to be baked and my oven had been out of order for a long time. I don't remember what we did, but I do remember the stew in a pumpkin. - Margy

Maggie said...

Love that teapot!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Now that is a festive autumnal table that can be recreated for Thanksgiving, and who knows you might find more thrifted things to add by then.
I think that is dumb thinking too to split things of a set up to different stores.

Anonymous said...

Ah, family time ... what a wonderful excuse for all that beauty!
I wish my table setting had been so worthy of a photo shoot.

Margie said...

Your table setting captures the spirit of autumn beautifully!

How silly to split sets up! I would never drive 50-60 miles to hunt for matching items.

Pondside said...

What great mosaics! I will have to look at those tools - thank you for letting us know what you used. Your table is really lovely.

Kay said...

What a gorgeous and welcoming table! I love all the little pumpkin tureens at each place. And I love all your budget finds! (Sure! Doesn't everyone drive 50 or 60 miles from one Goodwill to the next?!! Heck, I really have to get myself worked up to drive to JoAnn's in Port Angeles, about 15 miles away.)
We had snow over the weekend in the Olympics and it was enough to nicely cover some of the higher peaks. I'll post a picture tomorrow. It's really wonderful to see snow again though there's been a lot of cloud cover as the rain has come and gone.

Bernideen said...

Love your pretty table. What Goodwill does is silly. They would have had a bigger sale from you. The colors of your tablecloth are wonderful and scream fall - good job! So glad you shared!

Lorrie said...

Your autumn tablescape is really striking, JoAnn. The individual pumpkin tureens really make it special. How silly to split up sets of napkins and things - doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

Rose said...

Oh, my is all so fallish! And fall is my favorite season.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

JoAnn, your table looks wonderful. Love all the different pumpkin pieces. The colors are so pretty and I am impressed by all your fancy photography and editing. I jotted down the two .coms and will check them out..Happy Tuesday..Judy

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I'm smitten with your beautiful autumn dishes. You've displayed them so creatively. It would be a complete joy to sit at your table. My eyes are feasting.

So glad I stopped by today. Wishing you a beautiful day...

Candy S said...

The table you set to celebrate Halloween with your son is marvelous with it's pumpkin soup bowls and all of the other fall touches. Everything is tied together so nicely with the mix and match of Fall dishes and fall napkins for a charmingly pretty table.
