
Monday, November 23, 2015

Good, Random, Home, Fun

 The good - candles I made for our oldest daughter's wedding shower - 14 years ago - good memories

 This little camper sat in a field with some pumpkins on it
And nearby - this rooster who refused to turn around and look at me
 We see this old propane tank often when we go to  Fir Island - they've recently spruced it up.  We are all on this planet together - if we could just see how much we all have in common I'm sure we'd be friends.  

The other day I was entering a grocery store and in front of me were four young men - in "current trends" clothes and speaking Spanish.  As I moved towards the shopping carts one of them was wiping down the whole cart with a sanitizing cloth, one was taking litter out of the cart and putting it in the trash can.  One of them pushed the cart toward me and proudly in his best English he said "Please for you Senora".  They all smiled at me and I smiled back - what lovely young men they were.  And in my best Spanish I replied "Gracias muchachos".  Their mothers must be so proud of them, I know I was.
 A random seagull - just because they are wonderful to look at.

At our new favorite consignment store, Picket Fences, in Lynden, WA, I found this set of service for four - plus serving pieces, for just 19.95 for the whole set.  What could be more fun than that?


  1. The candles are great! Have a great week.

  2. I enjoyed all your random wonderful things you shared with us today, Jo.

    Have a special week. Take care. Hugs.

  3. Wonderful selection of images for your post. I love the pretty candles. Nice story about the young men at the store.
    Have a happy week ahead. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  4. How wonderful to encounter nice young people! Restores faith in humanity.

  5. Our friend John captured an old floating propane tank. After a year, no one claimed it. Old propane tanks hold air and can be used for flotation under floating cabins. He gave it to us and Wayne painted it like a whale. Since then, the owner came by to let us know. We offered the tank back (it was now maybe two or three years after its capture), but the man's wife said to give it to us since we had made it into something interesting, and not just used for cabin flotation. - Margy

  6. Pretty candles. Loved your story about the boys. That's quite a tank! Your new dishes (my favorite pattern is Blue Willow) are a great find. Enjoy them! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. JoAnn, the candles are lovely and I'm sure bring back lovely memories too. The propane tank is quite a sight, isn't it? A reminder to us all to love thy neighbour. Those young men were quite the gentlemen! What a blessing they must be to their mothers. They certainly were to you and all of us who you have shared this with. Thank you for your wonderful and thought-provoking post. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    Autumn blessings,

  8. The candles are very beautiful! I love candles and need to get a few out to enjoy now that it's dark so early in the evening. Love those beautiful dishes too. Makes me want to go to the thrift store just to 'look'! heehee! Hugs!

  9. What a great score! Love the Blue Willow pattern!

  10. Your candles are pretty. I haven't made candles in eons and never put leaves or flowers on as you did. Cute camper! That propane tank has a pretty nice map painted onto it. That must have been a lot of work. And what a great new set you found for a terrific price! You can spend that much for one or two of those serving pieces.

  11. Blue Willow china is always a special one! So familiar and loved by all! You have some great photos!

  12. A fun assortment of randomness, JoAnn. Love the story about those boys, and the blue dishes are lovely.

  13. I love the story about the young gentlemen, bless their little hearts. Love your new dishes too. That is a very lucky find.

  14. I love the little camper decorated with pumpkins! It looks enchanted - like a family of gnomes lives inside of it!
    Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend! Enjoy your new dishes and beautiful family!

  15. I enjoyed your randoms..enjoyed the story.

  16. Hello JoAnn, it is lovey to visit you. Your post is wonderful. I love the story you share of the helpful young men.
    What fab new blue and white dishes too! Lucky you : )
    Hugs, and Happy Thanksgiving.

  17. JoAnn, You are a sewing wonder. I loved all the doll clothes. My granddaughter truly would love to have them. I liked the little camper too. Blessings, xoxo,Susie


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