Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Monday, October 19, 2015

An Autumn Pine Cone Tea

It is pine cone season at our house - pine cones for decorations and a pine cone tea set
 All the pieces have been collected separately at yard sales, thrift shops and estate sales - yet they match very well.
 One of my favorites - shimmery and bright

Stop by for a cup of tea one of these blustery Autumn days.


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh, what a lovely mosaic. Beautiful tea set. Love that pearly look. How perfect for the autumn and coming winter/Christmas season.

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead...

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

JoAnn, your pine cone teacup is really pretty with its iridescent glaze. It's fun decorating with pine cones. I have made pine cone wreaths a few times. Thanks for sharing and coming to tea.

Autumn blessings,

Bernideen said...

What a wonderful vintage Pinecone Teaset. This is sure the perfect time of the year (but also Christmas) for your set. This is a lovely fall posting and I am so glad you shared it.

Martha's Favorites said...

What a beautiful collection my friend. Love how warm your table feels. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

Tom said...

You set a lovely table!

Parsimonious Décor Darling said...

Just perfect for Autumn!

Margie said...

What a cute tea set! It must have been fun to hunt for the pine cone design.

Julie Fukuda said...

I have a lot of cups but none with pinecones. Imagine putting together that lovely setting and have it all matching!

Lorrie said...

Oh, I do love pine cones. I've never seen pine cone themed dishes and I love your collection. Such a delightful autumn tea - I'd love to stop by.

Rowan said...

The pine cone China is really pretty and perfect for autumn. I haven't seen anything like them before.

Peggy said... lovely, it would be so nice to join you for a cuppa especially from those cups

Lori E said...

How unusual those dishes are. I don't have any pine cone dishware but my husband did just bring me a big bag of pinecones home from the cabin. Now it is time to get creative.

Pamela Gordon said...

These pinecone tea dishes are so sweet and unique. Perfect for fall and winter teas. Lovely mosaic too.

Amy at love made my home said...

A very pretty tea set and perfect for pinecone season! xx

Jeanne said...

So pretty. Tea cups are so special! I have none. I do have a small collection of tea pots.

Rose said...

It is a beautiful set...I can see why you like it. Save a cup for me!

Kay said...

Perfect look for autumn...this is just the right season for tea!

J said...

You've got a lovely collection for each season - and the best part was acquiring them one at a time in such a serendipitous way!

Powell River Books said...

Nice fall colours. I found a cute spice rack at the thrift store today. I don't know where I'll use it, but for $2 I couldn't pass it up. - Margy

Antiques And Teacups said...

I just love your pinecone teaset! Beautiful! And the mosaic is so perfect for fall. Wonderful! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

Bernideen said...

This was one of my featured blogs this week! Congrats!