
Friday, August 21, 2015

Saturday's Critters

Usually my critters are birds - today we get to see horses.
 We came upon this field of horses on one of our rides in the country.  The wide board fence was so high that I had to bend down and take photos between the boards.  

 I love all the different sizes and colors


  1. Hi JoAnn
    Oh I love horse photos - they are such sociable animals!
    The varied colours are lovely and they all look very contented with the paddock they're in!
    Nice to catch up at Eileens meme!
    Shane x

  2. What a beautiful collection of horses you came upon on your ride. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  3. There are a good mix of sizes. Beautiful looking horses

  4. Hello JoAnn, they are pretty horses, they look happy! Great shots! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  5. The horses arranged themselves for you in perfectly balanced compositions! We were taught in art class to show 3 different sizes - small, medium and large - for the most interesting effect. You "nailed it!" as they say!

  6. Wow, that's a whole heap of horses!! Glad you got such good pictures of them. Have a great weekend.

  7. That's a nice herd, of course I love them all! Have a great weekend!

  8. Great photos, are right, a nice variety of colors and sizes!

  9. Great grouping of horses! Have a great weekend!

  10. All of the horses are beautiful, and I especially like the last photo, they sure look sweet together.

  11. Oooh, horses, one of my favorite animals! Wish I could remember all the names of all the different colors.

  12. Hi Jo!
    I love the mix, toot. AND, the fact that there is a pecking order going on is Abundantly evident! Horses are great animals. I got to hand around them a lot when I worked as a hot walker at Laurel Thoroughbred Racetrack here in MD. Walked therm to cool them down after their workouts. Acutally, Ray worked there. I tagged along and soon learned how to do some stuff, and soon got some money for doing it.
    It is a stunningly beautiful day here. Hope it is the same by you.
    xo, m & jb

  13. Beautiful, JoAnn. I love horses. They look like they are hugging each other. Beautiful coloring..Happy Weekend..Judy

  14. So much love and such a joy to see these beautiful horses!
    Great finds and snaps!
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  15. All different sizes here! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  16. I love those last two shots. I tmay not be what they're doing, but it looks like a horse hug to me!

  17. Oh I love these images of the horses!


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