
Monday, August 24, 2015

Mosaic Monday Whatcom Falls - Then and Now

 Let's looks at Whatcom Falls - a city park in Bellingham - it flows from Lake Whatcom (where our city water comes from) to the ocean.  The dates are under the photos.
This collage is the most recent photos of Whatcom Falls,taken in July of 2015 - just a month ago
 This is what it looked like when we moved to Washington in 2001, this is spring of 2002

 The bridge was covered in thick green moss - today it is barren
2015 - July - it is a mere trickle compared to past years.
And here it is 2015  


  1. I wish for Washington some rain. My son is still fighting fires up there. He posted some pictures on facebook and I must admit, they are not the kind a mother likes to look at. I might have shouted, "put down that camera and get out of there!"

  2. Pretty waterfalls and images. I love the mossy bridge! It still looks great in 2015. Lovely images. Enjoy your day, have a great week ahead!

  3. Oh, Jo. I am praying that our Lord expands this winter's El Nino to include the entire west coast of America. Please, dear Lord, send rain.
    :) m & jb

  4. What a great series! Love seeing the falls in different years. Loved the moss covered bridge. There is nothing like the sound of water ... cools you off and is magical! Wonderful post on Whatcom Falls. Happy Monday!

  5. Beautiful photos of Whatcom Falls. It is so dry here, and I pray we get some good dousing rains in September and throughout the fall months.

  6. So interesting to see the falls over different periods of time and how much water is coming down. Loved the horses and barns in your last two posts too! xx

  7. What a difference - and what a nice record you have of the amount of water. I feel so badly - and helpless - about the suffering caused by the drought and the resulting fires. Something to pray about, as your other readers have mentioned.

  8. That is a beautiful and fierce waterfall especially in years can see the effect of the lack of water this year.

  9. I'm sure it has to do with the lack of rainfall. It is a pretty waterfall just the same. Very nice photos.

  10. It's sad to see the decline of the falls from 2002 to present, makes you wonder what it will be like in 10 years time.
    I'm glad you have photos of these falls when they were a magnificent show of power.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday JoAnn.

  11. It's a beautiful falls and you have taken some great photos of it over the years. Have a wonderful week!

  12. Rain's predicted here on Friday and Saturday...showers, at least. Everyone is hoping for more, of course. These photos really tell a story, don't they? I hope it's a story with a happy ending!

  13. Oh y'all need some rain, bad! What a beautiful waterfall, though. I'd love to have one close enough to visit whenever I wished instead of having to travel to find one.


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