
Monday, July 20, 2015

Mosaic Monday - Vacation Fun

Another thing we did on vacation was to make Gingerbread Pig cookies - with pink frosting on their backs.  They are my daughter-in-law's favorite Christmas cookie - and since they won't be visiting at Christmas, we decided to bake the cookies while they were visiting last week.

I thought a tea party would be perfect for the pink cookies - I chose a pretty pink teapot with creamer and sugar, and pink tea cups -  a lovely pink tea.

 The sugar bowl has handles of two colors -  one handle pink and the other handle green, it is one of my favorite parts of this tea set
 Cookies and tea - it is decaf black tea - always a hit around here
The tablecloth is from ebay - it is just like one my mother had when I was growing up.
Do stop in for a cup of tea and a cookie 


  1. Hello, what a cute tea set. And the pink pig cookies look delicious. Perfect to have with your tea! Lovely images, enjoy your day!

  2. Oh JoAnn, this tea set is whimsical and pretty, especially the two coloured handles on the sugar. I've never had pink pig cookies so would love to join you for tea.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  3. Such a pretty tea set with the pink flowers. Love the idea of celebrating when you are together rather than waiting for a day in the future.

  4. I noted the tablecloth before viewing those cute pink piggies.

  5. JoAnn, I love the tea with pink pig cookies. Sylvia D.

  6. Very cute cookies and very pretty china too! I also love the tablecloth! xx

  7. JoAnn, your pink pig cookies are adorable and I love your tea set! The sugar is especially cute with its different coloured handles. Thanks so much for joining me for tea and have a lovely week.


  8. Your tea set made me smile! Too cute! And the cookies -- perfect! Fun post. Happy Tea Day!

  9. Your tea ware is beautiful and perfect with those fun cookies....

  10. Your tea set is charming! I'm not a tea drinker , but with the piggy cookies, it looks like a fun tea party!

  11. What's not to love about this one?! The tablecloth stands out beautifully against the green underneath it and of course the tea set is precious. I'd love a cookie and a cup of tea, thank you.
    (Yes...this cooler weather is a relief. It's nice when it gets warm but there's a thin line between warm and toasty in my book!)

  12. A picture perfect setting for your little piggies! I love seeing that wonderful tablecloth make its appearance at almost every holiday season. It's at home every time!

  13. That is a really lovely table cloth. I think I might visit ebay soon :-)

  14. JoAnn your teas set is so fairy tale like. Love it.

    That tablecloth is adorable. I am a tea drinker.

    Great blog. So inviting.


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