
Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday Greens

Washington State is very green - in fact it is called The Evergreen State  Green is our background color.
 Green farmfields
 Green grass in the apple orchards (the trees are trimmed this way so picking is easy and the branches don't get too heavy with fruit)

  Green in Eastern Washington parks
 Green with Elderberry blossoms
 Pretty green gardens
 Green framing a lake (this lake is about 4 blocks from our house)
 The woods across the street from our house

 The green closes in on the roads
 Green moss in the deep woods
 And herons in green trees.


  1. Ah I thought we were going to see a green bird but the Heron is lovely. nearly as green as Ireland! Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Beautiful! Yes it always amazes me how many greens there are in a landscape.

  3. Great greens, I like them. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. You do live in a very pretty green state. Wonderful captures of the Heron. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  5. It must be heaven living where everything is so lush and beautifully green.
    Love the photos of the s/he yawning or talking!
    Have a great weekend, JoAnn.

  6. Lovely greens. Amazing that there is any green after all the dry weather.

  7. We are the Evergreen State and I always tell people that. How many shades of green are there?? I love the Spring Greens specially.
    We might do a cruise around Fir Island today or even be in Stanwood.
    We usually go to Friday Night Lights Barrel Racing on Friday nights in Sedro. Every other week. My G-daughter races there. So have fun being out and about and wave it may be ME. LOL

  8. It has been such a long time since i was in Washington State - It certainly IS a beautiful place. I remember the rain . . constant and marvelous . . . These photos are a terrific refresher . .

    Thank you for your tips, encouragement and kindness . . .
    love & love

  9. You sure live in a beautiful state! It's green here with all the afternoon showers we are having....but not like that! Love your heron photos. Have a nice weekend sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  10. Wonderful scenic photos and the herons are awesome for 'critters' ~

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  11. Great series! That road lined with trees is so Washington to me. This place certainly IS green!!

  12. Wonderful shots. And it'll be lovely when fall comes, too!

  13. It was lovely getting "lost" in all that green!
    Very smart to prune the apple trees that way!

  14. Beautiful wonderful incredible greens!!! xx

  15. It's wonderful to live in such greenery. So many shades of green everywhere. Our green grass is a very brown this year, though.

  16. Delightfully lush greens captured beautifully, JoAnn!
    Many thanks for participating in the Friday Greens meme. I look forward to your next contribution.


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