
Friday, June 5, 2015

Willy Nilly Friday

1. We don't see these around here very often;  I wonder how they hold their heads up.
2.  Once your kids are through jumping on the trampoline you can always make it into a chicken pen.

 3. A house for the fairies
 4. This car belongs with this house.  When we first saw it people were carrying their groceries into the house.
 It is the sign on the door that caught my eye - it says "A+ CLEAN UPS,  Junk, Donatable, and Junk Removal.  Residential and Estates.  Large or small"
 Would you trust someone to clean up your mess when their yard looks like this???
 There was a lot more junk surrounding the house - this is just  a small portion of it.
5. A snowman made out of tires is a good idea, in the summer.


  1. that's an interesting chicken coop! ha, yes, quite an ironic business for them to be into the little fairy house! thank you for linking and have a great weekend :)

  2. #1 I NEVER see these around here.
    #2 Reuse and recycle.
    #3 Fairy nice.
    #4 Like they say, the shoemakers kids have no shoes.
    #5 Great idea!
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. LOVE the fairy House. I wonder what kind of cow (i think) that is? Look at those horns. (whew)

  4. I am laughing at the "junk" house...guess we know where everything goes that they pick up...LOL!
    Those cattle must have headaches...there is a Texas Longhorn a few towns away that I swear each horn is at least six feet long. I have no idea how it can maneuver around the trees in the about a headache!

  5. Hello, the cattle are cool. And I like the re-cycled trampoline being used for the chickens! Looks like the A+ Clean Up company is keeping some of the stuff they clean up. The snow man is cute! Have a happy weekend!

  6. They probably brought all that junk home from places they cleaned up, LOL!

  7. Well, I guess we know where all the stuff he hauls off ends his house! The snowman sure is cute! Enjoy your afternoon my friend and thanks for making mine special! Sweet hugs, Diane

  8. Love the fairy house...their house/yard is probably that way because of what they do!

    Oh, I wonder about cows with those big horns, too. They must have huge muscles.

  9. Those cattle would need a house with a very wide door. I am reminded how dangerous it is to sort through other people's junk when you have too much stuff yourself.

  10. Well, I just laughed out loud at the junk house! I agree with everyone else - they just bring home the junk they sweep up from everybody else!
    Those animals are beautiful, but I agree those horns have got to be clumsy!

  11. I like the trampoline chicken coop:) As for the Clean Up people Idefinitely wouldn't employ them but I wonder how many of the people who do hire them have seen the state of the place where they live?Not many probably:)

  12. Some INTERESTING things this week! :-) I had to laugh at the junk removal/cleanup people and their junky yard! :-) And the chicken coop, they don't have to worry about hawks seeing the chickens, that's for sure! :-)

  13. I forgot to ask...what kind of cattle is that?

  14. 1. Those look like Watusi Cattle. I've seen them a couple of times and boy they have impressive horns.
    2. Clever idea.
    3. Cute little fairy house.
    4. Lots of junk for sure. Perhaps they use the stuff they clean-up from other peoples yards to decorate theirs. I can see your point though.
    5. That's a cool snowman.

    I'm late with commenting due to company & the weekend. Here is my link:

  15. The fairy house caught my attention right away. It makes me wish I had a tree stump to make one like it.

  16. Looks like the perfect summer day chicken pen. I thought that was my neighbor's house. Isn't it obvious--everything they "clean up" comes home with them. ;) It's a new way of collecting!

  17. interesting way of re purposing a trampoline. LOL. Those horns are huge but my favorite is the A+ clean up. Kinda like a doctor they're their worst patient/client. LOL
    Cute fairy house


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