
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunday Scavenger Hunt

Spring - Water Lilies and Honeysuckle are blooming 

2. What I'm Looking At
I'm looking at these horses - who are looking at me
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3. In Motion
The ice cream truck comes through Birch Bay park in the summer - her motion is slow, since so many want an ice cream on a summer day (We had fudgecicles)
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4. It Means a Lot to Me
The deck our family built for us a few years ago.
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5 Photographer's Choice 
 We saw this old sailboat sitting in a lot in town - couldn't resist its name
Tomato Sloup!!!


  1. Really beautiful and interesting photos!
    Have a lovely new week!

  2. Love the water lilies - so pretty. The deck looks like a great place to relax in the summer!

  3. "Tomato Sloup" lol! That's cute! Lots of interesting photos today. The animal lover in me likes the horses, the artist in me likes the water lily and the grandma in me LOVES the deck your kids built for you. Guess they love you both right back - a lot!

  4. Hello, lovely shots of the waterlilies and honeysuckle. The horses are so cute, I love them! Fudgecicles used to be my favorite too. Pretty deck, it is a nice outdoor living space. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  5. Great finds, I love the name of the boat too!! xx

  6. Great collection of photos. Horses and water lilies, just beautiful. And your Tomato sloup too.

    R. Täysin arkista

  7. Ahhh....good old (summer)spring time!

  8. Love the water lilies and honeysuckle and fudgecicles sound very good!

  9. I love the "Tomato Sloup!!"

  10. I used to do blog posts about boats and their names. It was fun to research them, and just imagine why the name fit. Is this the one by the tracks along Marine Drive? - Margy

  11. I love the name Tomato Sloup on the sailboat. I wish mt honeysuckle looked that pretty.


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