
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Summer Scavenger Hunt - Part One

This is what I have so far for the summer scavenger hunt - come join the fun HERE

2. An ornate door knocker 
Our woodpecker door knocker - maybe not ornate - but very popular
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5. Architectural columns 
A beautiful old building in Seattle
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6. A metal bridge 
Crossing the Nooksack River just outside Bellingham on a foggy day

The bridge over the Columbia River in Eastern Washington
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7. A turtle  
This turtle is good enough to eat
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8. Someone "plugged in" to social media 
 The "old fashioned" way to keep connected
Don and Buddy E. (for Buddy Ebson, they both have long legs) the frog - waiting for a phone call on the Alaska State Ferry
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11. A cellular tower or television satellite dish 
I couldn't find a cell tower - so decided that a television antenna would have to do.  We don't see many of these around anymore since there are no tv broadcasts in our area that are not cable or satellite.
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12. A public restroom, bathroom, or toilet
In the restroom of a little cafe in Bow, WA.  Not sure what they are going to weigh 
I suppose this stool in the same restroom is for kids to stand on to wash their hands
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14. A traffic signal 
Downtown Seattle on a rainy day
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16. A panoramic view, taken while standing someplace high in the air

 The Space Needle in Seattle - I was not standing up - but was sitting in an airplane - we flew right over the Space Needle coming in for a landing
 And another one, taken from the Crowne Plaza Hotel on a cloudy day in Seattle - top had been painted in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Space Needle - built for the World's Fair in 1964.  The restaurant at the top revolves while you eat dinner.  There is a high speed elevator that take you to the top.  Rides to the top were 1.00 for the celebration, the same as in  1964.
 And buses parked in a lot in Seattle - seen from the airplane
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17. At least two people wearing matching outfits or uniforms
They are all wearing life vests - and kayaks 
And gnomes always dress alike
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18. An overloaded truck, car, bicycle or other vehicle 
Chain saw carved bears for sale
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20. A natural body of water

 Lake Wenatche - near Plain, WA

 It was so windy that day and the sand was blowing against us until it stung.  We didn't stay long, as I didn't want to get sand in my camera.
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  1. As usual, those are all delightful and so creative. I once took a ride in a blimp and that was a great place to take pictures. I got to fly over my house and past my husband's office window.

  2. I think, out of this batch, that I love the overhead shot of the buses the best! Reason is, I just got done spending 9 days straight with my two oldest grandsons. They are crazy about Legos! I have been looking at little bricks for days. That's what those buses look like to me!

  3. I like your out of the box thinking on the door knocker. Really clever, as was the overhead shots from the plane. But your TURTLE was the funniest of all I've seen so far. Very, very clever!

  4. The turtle is FANTASTIC! Fun knocker, and I like the last bridge photo too.

  5. Double WOW to your turtle melon that is an amazing find, door knocker is great too, BJ

  6. Great photos of the Needle, and the what a great turtle!

  7. Thanks for bringing the Pacific Northwest to the Hunt! I love your door knocker and that over loaded truck is great.

  8. Your door knocker is simply the best!!! I had fun checking out your finds for the hunt :)

  9. This is super!! Of course you'd KNOW I loved the door knocker. Wow. I want one. And your bridge photos ... they're outstanding. Would love to see some of the chainsaw bears up close and personal.

    I joined in this time around and posted my finds. If you'd care to stop by for a visit, I'd love your company!!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!